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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Cover Image from Pixabay 

If you’re reading this article I share a bond with you that nobody will understand. To this day I only own 3 pairs of jeans and they’ve been around since high school because jean shopping is a nightmare and why would I go through such torture for something I hate. From shopping for jeans to wearing them, with somewhat confidence, there are an array of violations against self-esteem that I’m sure we can relate to.

If you have curves, jeans feel like a personal attack.

Especially in the summertime when literally nothing is made appropriate AND cute.

Sorry, I honestly can’t help it.

But still, you try to think happy thoughts in this moment.

Your friends are always trying to make you feel better about wearing jeans.

When in reality this is actual footage of you in the dressing room:


You seriously wonder what people who consistently wear them are thinking and come up with only one logical explanation.

Meanwhile, you know that leggings, skirts, and dresses are bae.

Even Queen Bey herself doesn’t bother.

Hofstra '17 Hofstra Chapter Vice President (December '16 - December '17) From a young age Naledi has been obsessed with all things pop culture and entertainment. Through writing for Her Campus she has been able to reach a large audience of badass collegiate women who share her crazy passions as well. Beyond Her Campus Naledi is IN LOVE with Hofstra. Her favorite part? The school of comm for allowing her to branch out and get a real dip into the real world prior to graduating. Additionally Naledi is one of those classic people who studies abroad in the spring of 2016 and won't ever stop talking about it! Her best advice? Go and see the world kids and fall in love with your major like Ali and Noah from the Notebook fell in love with each other.