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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Summer is long gone and it’s going to be a very long winter before you can hit the beach again. By this time of year that beautiful bronzed skin of yours may be nothing but a memory. Before you think about taking a trip to your local tanning salon, you may want to try some other options.

College girls who use indoor tanning beds are at an even greater risk of developing the most common form of skin cancer: Melanoma. Indoor tanning can also cause aging and sun damage such as Hyperpigmentation. There are other great alternatives to indoor tanning that will give you the glow you want without the unhealthy risks.
One of the best ways to achieve a healthy tan is by using a self- tanner. Worried about turning orange or having blotchy skin? Put your worries aside; Here’s the tips you need to know to achieve a beautiful tan.

Always exfoliate before using any self –tanner
There are many inexpensive exfoliaters on the market that work great for applying self- tanner. One of my favorites is True Blue Spa’s Refreshing Citrus Body Scrub. The tropical citrus scrub will leave your skin feeling smooth and there’s less of a chance for an uneven tan.

·      Apply small amounts to one area at a time
When applying self- tanner put small amounts on areas such as your elbows, knees and hands.  Also, apply less on your face to create a more natural look. To avoid blotchy hands always use gloves.

·      Try a spray tan
If you’re nervous about applying a self- tanner on your own, try a spray tan which works just as well. Here’s another tip: use red undertones can make you look like you came straight from the beach. Two self tanners that I love are Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel and Fake Bake Self Tanning Gel. Both work great for an even tan or just a subtle glow.

Still not convinced about using a self- tanner? Here’s another idea–try drinking a lot of water and eating fruits such as tomatoes which contain Lycopene. Also try eating colored fruit such as cherries which will give you a healthy glow every day. There’s no reason why you can’t still look like a bronzed beauty even in the fall and winter months. Try these tips to get the tan you want at a price you’ll love.

Grace Gavilanes is a rising junior at Hofstra University majoring in English and Journalism. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism and, eventually, in English Education. Grace is super driven and has many goals that she is positive will be made into reality. This Queens native enjoys drinking bubble tea and dancing in the rain!