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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at High Point chapter.


If you haven’t yet ready “5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder” written by tuthmosis take some time, here is the link to the mentioned article: http://www.returnofkings.com/21313/5-reasons-to-date-a-girl-with-an-eating-disorder (ew)

Normally when I get sucked into the internet black hole that is Facebook, where time disappears and I forget what year it is, I chose to indulge in the entertaining links my friends find which can range from every Buzzfeed quiz ever made (Samantha from Sex and the City and pizza are my spirit animals) to funny videos that make me forget all about the paper due the next day. Now I enjoy a cute cat video as much as the next girl, but sometimes I like to try to “adult” (always a work in progress) and expand my horizons with a deep-thinker link. You know the ones, the links your cool, progressive friends share that point out everything wrong with the world or why you’re an independent woman who don’t need no man.

While on this hunt to expand my mind so I would have more to discuss than the absurd amounts of naps I take a day, I came across this link entitled “5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder.” Thinking this was a link with a disgusting title designed to lure people in that would actually serve as a way to educate about this truly saddening, horrible disease that affects millions, I clicked on it and I was wrong. The title was a direct reflection of the absolute garbage some “masculine man” (the website’s words, not mine) deemed necessary to share with his fellow “masculine men” on the Return of Kings website. Since I think it is absolutely appropriate, I’m going to use the synonym “pig” in lieu of “masculine man” when discussing the caveman author of this horrifying article. So, what are the five reasons? According to the Pig, these girls (because the Pig discriminates and thinks only girls suffer from eating disorders. Not true.)  “cost less money”, will “improve their overall looks” with their “body obsession”, will be “fragile and vulnerable”, be rich, and be “better in bed.”

I felt like I needed to take a few breaths, stretch a little, and think happy thoughts to calm the absolute rage I felt while reading this. How dare the Pig turn this incredibly detrimental mental illness that affects people of varying ages, gender, and socio-economic class into a joke, dehumanizing these victims as nothing but prime dating material. Although I could write a novel on everything wrong with this article, I’ll provide a brief summary: Pig thinks only rich girls have eating disorders.  Also, that the eating disorders he is referencing results in skinny, breakable dating partners, and the combined lack of confidence and vulnerability leads to the male having complete control over his property/girlfriend. Basically, EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS ARTICLE IS ABSURD.

Now, let me just say that everyone should completely dismiss everything Pig thought he needed to share with the world. Only a very small percentage of men are like Pig, and while men may be clueless at times, most of them would agree “5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder” is messed up. Nothing is more attractive than confidence, and we ladies can surely use all the confidence we can get. In a society that is skewed by people like the Pig, where gender inequality is still but a dream, and eating disorders are a major problem destroying millions; women (and men!) need to hold their heads high and recognize how beautiful and valued each and every one of us are. So to the Pig and all the “masculine men” of the Return of Kings website and the world: We’re not listening! We refuse to accept and give credit to your misogynistic views that may be disguised as advice for men, but really are daggers ready to cut the already fragile idea of self-worth for women. In the words of the ever lovely and hilarious Jenna Marbles, “Girls are majestic f***ing creatures,” and that’s what we need to remember. College, and for that matter life, is hard enough without doubt about our beauty (We’re all beautiful) or a lack of confidence poisoning us. Take the Pig’s article as a cry of ignorance, and recognize it as a sign that so many people do not understand eating disorders. So raise your middle finger to the Pigs of our society, do a hair flip, and look in the mirror right this second and tell yourself you’re beautiful… because you are. Also, take the time to learn some facts about eating disorders because chances are someone around you is suffering from this crushing disease that is physically and mentally draining. And together hopefully we can educate and change the minds of Pig and anyone else that tries to tear us down.

Here are some statistics about eating disorders from the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders: http://www.anad.org/get-information/about-eating-disorders/eating-disorders-statistics/

If you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, seek help. Your college has resources and people standing by to help, and websites like the National Eating Disorder Association has tips and guides for friends and family. Overcoming an eating disorder is a monumental task that can’t be done alone, and the sooner help is sought the sooner recovery and improved health can be achieved.

Also, watch your words, and try to give some random compliments to strangers, family, friends, anyone. You would be amazed at what a kind word can do for someone. The world is tough enough, so brighten someone’s day and improve his or her confidence with a nice word or two.