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Relaxation Tips to Guide You through Exams and Reading Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

It can be easy to get into a rut of feeling miserable and tired now that the spring is finally coming with all of its inevitable exams and school projects. While the light and warmth might be – slowly – increasing, the work load seems to grow equally larger. Here’s a few tips on how to push back those negative feelings and get your energies high!

  1. Light those candles now that it’s still drizzly and miserable – they will brighten up your room as well as your mood! Aromatic candles will also fill your space with delicious smells that can relax you further. 
  2. Drink tea – it calms you, warms you up if necessary, and is healthier than chugging down tons of coffee. 
  3. Sign up for one class, at school or outside of school, just because you want to! It’s amazing how much just one exciting new class or course can brighten up your schedule. If you’ve always wanted to try a dance class, go for it! If you secretly love psychology, go to a lecture! 
  4. Yoga, or any exercise that you feel comfortable with, will get those endorphins flowing and you’ll feel a lot more energized. Remember that just because it’s hard the first time, doesn’t mean that it won’t benefit you and get easier in the long run. 
  5. It’s been told time and time again but it deserves to be repeated: eat healthy and sleep at least eight hours every night! Nothing will drag you down like an all-nighter and a McDonald’s meal. 
  6. Do not, do not, do not skip breakfast! Even if you’re one of those people who can’t eat anything in the morning, try to get something in your stomach before noon. It’ll help you concentrate on something other than your growling tummy during the first lectures of the day. 
  7. Every try painting? Or maybe singing? Get your creative juices flowing by jotting down a few lines of poetry or maybe even the beginnings to a short story. Creative endeavors will help you think outside the box – even at school or work. 
  8. Music! Music everywhere! Listen to those upbeat tunes on your way to school and back for extra cheering up. 
  9. Eat a bit of chocolate. We’re not joking – even a small bite of chocolate will lower your stress hormone levels and make you feel better. There’s a reason why Professor Lupin was always offering chocolate bars to Harry. 
  10. Finally, just go out and enjoy the sun! A bit of sunshine will help get your vitamin D levels up and help clear out those clouds from your mind.

A few simple tricks like these will go a long way in helping you cope with the accumulating stress while also reminding you to enjoy yourself and your life even in the darkest moments. There’s no reason for any of use to work ourselves too hard because, after all, we are only young once!

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.