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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Finding the perfect Halloween costume can be a somewhat stressful task, especially in the wake of all the midterm exams, papers and lab reports that have been due in the post-fall break bustle. If you find yourself questioning how on earth you’re going to think of something simple and creative in the few short days before, and cultural appropriation and “sexy” costumes aren’t really your style either, then this list might be able to offer guidance. Here are some pretty easy DIY suggestions for Haver-themed costumes that are all about the Ford.


1)  The Black Squirrel

            Obvious. Maybe too obvious? Those little black squirrels that scurry around campus are so darn cute, and you can be too this Halloween!

How to pull it off: Wear black clothing, and acquire some ears (if you’re crafty you can make some out of a headband and construction paper). To complete the look, a black feather boa can be used as a bushy squirrel tail.


2)  A Tree

            There are more trees than students on our arboretum campus. Also, there are plenty of leaves all over campus so you’ll have plenty to work with in creating your costume.

How to pull it off: This is pretty simple. Wear brown clothing and fasten leaves around your sleeves, and around your wrists. To really take it to the next level, fashion a crown of leaves. Trust me, it’ll look great. (Maybe.)


3)  One of the Many Geese from the Duck Pond

            Like the trees, there also might be more geese than students on this campus. (Not actually sure about whether that’s factual, but it seems they’ve taken over…) With that in mind, you’ll be in no shortage of inspiration if this is the costume you decide on.

How to pull it off: Gray, black and white attire and feathers. Lots of feathers. Make a beak, if you’re willing to go the extra mile.


4)  Havercat

            Dressing as Havercat = borderline genius. Not only is it a great way to stick to a classic Halloween staple, but it also makes it seem like you put some sort of thought into your costume. It’s the ultimate lazy Halloween hack.

How to pull it off: Dress exactly as you would if you were dressing up like a normal cat. Make a tag out of construction paper and string that reads “Havercat” to make it known that you are not just an ordinary cat, but the beloved one that roams around our campus.


5)  Humans versus Zombies

            Dress as both human and zombie simultaneously. But beware, you may be mistaken as someone participating in the campus wide game. Proceed with caution…

How to pull it off: Dress as you would if you were going dressed as just a human. To incorporate the half zombie element into the costume, make one side of your clothing look tattered and apply zombie-esque face paint to the half of your face that lines up with the tattered clothing. Check out Pinterest and Buzzfeed for tips on how to do zombie makeup. (Sorry folks, not really my area of expertise.) For added flair if you wear a humans v. zombies bandana, double flair if you wear a bandana on each arm, one that says human and one that says zombie.


6)Campus Safety

If you want to pay homage to our beloved Safety and Security officers, this could be a fun way to do so, as long as you do so respectfully.

How to pull it off: Red collared shirt and a pair of black pants. Simple as that. Unless you want to go all out, and get a walkie-talkie. Definitely do that. Walkie-talkies are cool. On second thought, don’t do this. Definitely do not do this. Forget about this idea.


7)  13 MPH Sign

For the folks out there who feel like dressing as an inanimate object is the way to go.

How to pull it off: All you need is poster board, a black marker and some string. Write 13 MPH on the poster board, then tie the string to the poster board and wear the sign like a gigantic necklace.


If you wanted to turn this into a couples costume, have your counterpart dress in all yellow. The two of you can be the 13 MPH sign and its partner in crime, the speed bump. (If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.)



Voted Most Likely To Write A Tell-All Series About Going To An All-Girls School Entitled "Chronicles In Plaid" and Most Social (Media) in High School. Personally, I would have preferred being voted as Most Likely To Become Tina Fey and Most Goddesslike, but we can't have it all, now can we?