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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Hey beautiful. That’s right, you are beautiful. No matter your gender, religion, ethnicity, or other identifying factors, you are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous inside and out. We all have that little voice inside of our heads that tells us, “You are not good enough,” “I will never be able to do this,” and “There is no point in even trying.” I am here to tell you differently. I am here to tell you that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL no matter who you are. Whether you have hazel eyes or love math, YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE. Don’t let anyone, and especially that little voice inside your head, tell you differently. Don’t let the past weigh you down. If you want something, go for it! If you don’t achieve your goal that first time, keep trying! It took Albert Einstein over 2000 times to perfect the lightbulb. I bet that 2001 time you can and will do it! If you dream of becoming a professional dancer, by golly, do it! Watch professional videos, practice your routine daily, and dream of being on center stage one day. If you audition of a part, and don’t make it, gosh darn it, try, try again! What do you have to lose? Nothing! Evenutally, one day, you will do it because you can do it! Don’t let anyone or thing tell you differently. If someone criticizes your love for writing or your favorite color, think to yourself, “I am beautiful, wonderful, and perfect the way I am, and no one can tell me differently.” Especially don’t let that little critical voice inside your head tell you what to do. Focus on today to get to where you want to be tomorrow. Think to yourself, “I am absolutely amazing and I can do this, no matter the obstacles.” Believe in yourself, dear friends, and have confidence in your potential and abilities. I have faith that whatever you put your mind to, YOU CAN DO IT! For YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. You are 100% fantanstic. Don’t criticize or judge yourself for your failures or lack of abilities, and don’t judge or criticize others either. For we all have different strengths and weaknesses. We all need practice in different areas of life, and excel at others. Accept where you are right now, and set a goal for today, tomorrow, and five years from now. Believe in yourself, in your goals, and in your potential to succeed. I know you are capable of fulfilling your dreams and YOU WILL DO IT. Whether it takes five hours or ten years, open up your wings and fly into your dreams for greatness and love is awaiting you. 

Meg is a student at Haverford College and plays field hockey for the college. She is an interested writer.