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Making Your Dorm Into Your Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

My freshman year roommate would definitely be able to attest: I was a MESS my freshman fall. I mean, sure, I had better-than-decent grades, I was holding down two jobs, and I had a few good friends. But I was so homesick, I barely went a week without crying. But all of this sadness and waste of tissues could have been—if not alleviated—at least helped by making my dorm room into more of a home right upon entering college. Here are a few tips I wish I’d been given upon entering college, as well as some pictures of my own dorm room this year.


Put pictures EVERYWHERE. Pictures of your family, pictures of your pets, pictures of your friends, pictures of your home. It is so comforting to look up at your walls and see the faces of loved ones. So that’s my first tip—put up some pictures!

2.  Complete some DIY projects

While this may seem a little harder to do once you’re away at school, I promise there are plenty of opportunities and supplies on campus to make your own crafts. Harvard has Freshman Art Nights every Wednesday—be on the lookout for emails!

These crafts can be either practical, like mason jar containers, or simply decorative, like my seashell-covered initials (which happen to be both the abbreviation of California and the initials of my roommate and me!)

3. Hide letters and pictures for rainy days

Upon first glance, this may seem to be just an ordinary book.


Inside this hollowed out book are letters, pictures, and mementos from back home that put a smile on my face on the worst of days. Bad grades, cold weather, and nasty dining hall food were no match for the silly photos and heartfelt letters tucked away in my room.

4. At least one familiar thing from home

I arranged my favorite books and movies on the bookshelf in the middle of my room, and I hung up my favorite poster above my bed. It’s a nice way to familiarize a new space.

5. Get a little messy!

My final tip might be more a product of laziness than of creative inspiration. Don’t be afraid to let your room look a little lived in! It will make it seem like less of a museum and more of a home!

This was obviously a tip I took to heart.

Any advice you’d like to share? Feel free to comment below!

harvard contributor