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16 Basic Harvard Instagrams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

You know you’re basic if you find yourself recognizing nearly all of these pictures from your own Instagram. Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. Because basically, you’re probably basic if you’re reading this.


1. Annenberg. Gotta make sure all your friends back home know that you go to Hogwarts now.

2. J.P. Licks, instagrammed at a ratio of about 1:200 times you’ve gone.

3. The view from the observatory. You have to admit it’s pretty cool.

4. An artsy shot of your study spot, primarily used to comfort yourself. Documentation of studying means you were actually studying, right?

5. Or an artsy shot outside of your study spot, again useful to comfort yourself–especially if you never make it inside.

6. Your dorm room, used during exam period to remind yourself of what a clean room looked like.

7. Any classic Harvard selfie. Bonus points if it’s inside of a place that looks Harvard-ish. Bonus points if it has the Harvard-head-statue-things in the corner.


8. Any artsy river pic. Bonus points if it’s at the Head of the Charles.

9. An artsy Crema pic. 

10. Documentation of Harvard-Yale. Documentation of this game is essential, especially if you fear you won’t remember it.

11. A picture of you and your a capella group. So Harvard.

12. Documentation of your procrastination. Especially if it’s Harvard procrastination, such as needing to block sites such as The Crimson and Gmail from yourself.

13. No caption necessary.


14. An artsy picture of the yard in the fall. 

15. An artsy picture of the yard in the winter.

16. A veritaffle. It even tastes prestigious.

harvard contributor