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Going Home with Bae for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Going home with someone for the holidays can be extremely nerve racking, especially if you’re going home with a significant other. Don’t panic! Here are the five rules to make sure your winter break with bae and his family is successful!

1. Be Gracious!

If you’re going home with “bae”, impressing his family and getting them to fall in love with you is at the top of your list! The way to do that is by being gracious! Having an overall pleasant attitude and being friendly make people want to be friendly just as well. Even if your boyfriend’s mom stares you up and down and sizes you up, still be nice!

2. Don’t Be Picky

You may have a particular way you like your green beans made, or you like your pillows extra fluffy. That goes out the window when you’re at bae’s house. The people you are staying with have opened their doors and made accommodations for you. Don’t be rude by being picky.

3. Be Helpful

Bae’s mom and grandma may seem like they have everything figured out, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer your services. Always offer your help no matter what it is. Bae’s family will see you as generous and your help will be appreciated.

4. Participate in Family Events

This is one of the most important rules of going home with your significant other. You MUST participate in family activities no matter how lame they are! If bae’s family likes to go Christmas caroling, you also must go no matter how bad your voice is. If bae’s family likes to play board games after Christmas dinner, you must too! Participating in these family events will show bae’s family that you are a fun loving person!

5. NO SEX!

No matter how much you and bae are in the mood, sex at his family’s house is NOT OKAY! If you’re planning on getting serious with your significant other, you want their family to like you. Having sex in their mother’s house and risking their family finding is not very smart. Wait until after the holidays.


Follow these five guidelines, and you’ll have a successful holiday with bae and his family.

Taylor Johnson hails from Los Angeles (Pasadena) California. She is a junior, Broadcast Journalism major with an area of emphasis in Theatre. Some of her favorite pass times are hanging out with friends, eating good food, watching Law & Order SVU and singing her little heart out (in the shower). Taylor aspires to one day be a television personality and to be the main TV correspondent for E! News. She is also an avid writer and hopes to publish her first novel by the time she’s twenty five. If you want to learn more about Taylor you can go to her blog: www.confessionsofatwentysomethingdramaqueensite.wordpress.com OR just follow her on Twitter: _Tay_Jay or Instagram: Taylorgrace_jay