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Twice Is A Coincidence, Three Times Is A Trend: Sexual Performance Anxiety

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.


Have you or your partner been struggling with sexual performance anxiety? Are you unsure of how to conquer this anxiety or help your partner conquer it? Well, I am here to reassure you that there are steps you can take to alleviate some of this anxiety and begin your path to sexual pleasure!

Just to clarify, sexual performance anxiety prevents both men and women from being able to have sexual intercourse or enjoy sexual intercourse because their minds become overwhelmed with stress about their body image, with pleasing their partner, or concerns about the relationship. Here are some steps you or your partner can take to overcome this anxiety:


Step 1: Talk About It. While you or your partner may not feel comfortable discussing your sexual performance anxiety, an open conversation about this issue can serve as the first step to helping you and your partner. By simply talking about the anxiety, you and your partner can develop a greater sense of trust and degree of comfort with each other, which may help you to overcome the anxiety. Also, if you try to avoid the subject, your partner may feel worse about the situation.


Step 2: Focus on the Foreplay. By spending more time on foreplay, you and your partner can feel more comfortable in an intimate situation without feeling as much pressure about sexual intercourse. Additionally, if you become so engaged in the foreplay, you may be able to smoothly transition to the sex without focusing as much on your anxieties.


Step 3: Spend More Time Outside the Bedroom. I know it seems counterintuitive that spending more time outside of the bedroom would help you or your partner, but it is crucial for you and your partner to trust each other and boost each other’s confidences in ways not pertaining to you or your partner’s sexual abilities. With that greater bond between you and your partner, you will be on your way to pleasuretown!


Step 4: Relax. Before entering a sexual situation with your partner, mentally prepare yourself and use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to settle your mind and emotions. As part of your foreplay, give each other massages to loosen up and feel calmer in the sexual encounter.   


Step 5: Seek Help. If you and your partner have tried all of these steps, but still continue to struggle with this anxiety, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor or a professional counselor in order to help you or your partner relieve this anxiety. 

Soozy Adelman is a junior at Hamilton College. She is a Sociology Major, and Government Minor.