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Campus Celebrity: Ben Barzilai

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.
Name: Ben Barzilai
1) What year are you?
– Junior
2) What is your major?
– I’m a music major with a sociology and computer science 
double minor.
3) What instrument do you play?
– I play the piano.
4) When did you start playing?
– I started playing piano when I was 7 years old.
5) What was it like playing in the SPAC coffeehouse?
– It was awesome! Everyone was both overwhelmingly talented and incredibly supportive of all the other performers. 
It was a great and humbling evening.
6) What is your favorite genre to play?
– My favorite genre to play is Jazz.
7) If you could play at any venue where would it be?
– The Iridium. It’s a small legendary music club in New York City. I used to intern there so to get to perform 
there would be a nice little circle of life moment.
8) If you could learn to play any other instrument what would it be?
-The guitar. If you’re reading this and you want to teach me, please come find me!
9) How many hours a week do you practice?
– One. Which is bad.
10) Do you think you’ll continue to perform after college?
If you think I know what I plan to do after college then you haven’t met a lot of music majors.
Talia Levine is a sophomore at Hamilton College. She is from Long Island, New York but recently moved to Brooklyn. Talia is a hispanic studies major and anticipates going abroad to Madrid next spring.
Laura is a sophomore at Hamilton College in the class of '17. She is Comparative Literature Major, who will be going abroad to Paris for her junior year. She is an avid baker and jewelry maker.