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10 Ways to Survive a Challenging Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

By: Samantha Donohue


1.Know that you have a choice to be happy.

Yes, there will always be tough weeks and stressful moments but you have a choice in how you react. If you actively choose to be happy, you will feel happy. You have the capability of making the best of any situation.


2.Surround yourself with positive people.

The people we spend time with influence our mood. If someone has negative things to say about you, don’t spend time with them. Choose to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about who you are.


3.Eat well.

It is easy to make poor food choices when under stress. However, the way you eat can impact the way you feel. Eat healthy foods to positively fuel your body and to give you energy to combat rough times.


4.Remind yourself to smile.

Physically smiling makes you feel happy. If you are upset or anxious about something, remind yourself to smile. Smiling at other people is also a great way to brighten someone’s day and it will make yours better too.


5.Work on having good posture.

The way we present ourselves to the world impacts others’ perceptions of us as well as the way we view ourselves. Good posture creates an appearance of confidence, which over time will actually make you more confident. For more on this, click on the link to the TED talk below. It is well worth 20 minutes of your time.




It is easy to skip sleep during a busy week, but in the end, it will make you feel worse and you will be less productive. Go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early to study or do homework. Being well rested will allow you to work even harder the next day.


7.Take breaks.

Trying to do everything at once will make you feel overwhelmed and it will take you longer to accomplish your tasks. Instead, schedule breaks into your day so you can relax and recharge.


8.Spend time outside.

Go for a run, take a walk in the Glen, or do homework outside. Being outdoors, especially in this beautiful fall weather, is sure to calm you down.


9.Keep things in perspective.

You have survived papers, exams, and drama before. This will not be the end of you and a single assignment does not measure your success or worth.


      10. Write down something you are thankful for.

Whether it is in a journal next to your bed, in a school notebook, or simply in the notes of your phone, jotting down one positive part of your day will force you to focus on happiness. You don’t have to write anything lengthy, even a phrase or word is sufficient, but reflecting on moments you are grateful for will help you maintain an optimistic outlook. 

Laura is a sophomore at Hamilton College in the class of '17. She is Comparative Literature Major, who will be going abroad to Paris for her junior year. She is an avid baker and jewelry maker.