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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Living alone can be stressful or a blessing based on who you ask. Some may be happy with the privacy, while others may be concerned about the isolation. As an RA in Mitchell Hall, one of the only dorms at GW that has all singles, it great to see the best and worst aspects of living alone.

Here are the things I learned while living alone.

1) You have to clean up after yourself since no one is there to nag you to clean or to remind you to buy toilet paper when you are about to run out!

2) You have to bring your keys and Gworld everywhere because you can’t just call up a roommate to open the door for you.

3) You can listen to music whenever you want without headphones, and not have people judge you for your music choices.

4) You can eat anything at any time of the day and not worry about waking up others with the crunch of your Doritos. 

5) Living alone leaves you with a ready-made study place that is free of other human distractions.

6) You can have people over whenever you want!

7) But sometimes it can get lonely and you wish you had someone there to talk to.

8) Living alone is what you made of it and is a viable living options for those who just want their own space.