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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

I am disappointed, I’m not going to hide it. I was #WithHer from the start, and I’m still, and always will be, #WithHer. But, as we are all painfully aware, Donald Trump has been elected to serve as the next President of the United States. So where do I, and millions of others, go after we worked so hard to try and make Hillary Clinton the first female president?


For me, it is not time to say #HesNotMyPresident or refuse to follow his lead. After all, we stand behind the President, no matter who. Despite my fear for what will happen to me, my friends, others in this country, our education system, our healthcare system, and many more sectors, I know I can’t abandon the United States or the President. Just as many voters who voted for McCain or Romney did once President Obama was elected, I will respect and stand behind Trump. Although unhappily, I will not refuse to listen to his leadership.


But, I will not simply sit back and watch this country take steps backwards. Democracy only works if we participate, and now, more than ever, our country needs to participate. Our country needs to band together and stand up for what is right. We cannot stand by and watch as racism, sexism, and bigotry take over our country. As citizens, we need to get out onto the streets, letting our lawmakers know that we will not stand by and watch Donald Trump’s reign without protest. Protests, working with legislators, voicing our opinions; we must do all of these things in order to ensure our country remains a place of love and respect.


So yes, while I am deeply upset at the results of this election, I believe in the American people and the Democratic system. I believe that we will take this result as a learning experience, moving forward to become a better, stronger, and more empathetic country. Yes, I am still #WithHer, but I also know that for this country to work, we need to come together and try to fix what might possibly become broken. Because as Hillary Clinton said, we are stronger together.