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How to Make the Most of Your Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

I’ve been on campus for a little over a month now. I’m not going to pretend to know the lay of the land just yet, but there are some things that I have learned about being a college freshman so far. After reading article after article about what to bring to college, information I wish I knew as a freshmen, and the 10 different types of people you’ll inevitably meet in college, I’ve decided to compile my own list of slowly growing truths and advice. 

1. It’s not a lie. This is nothing like high school.

You hear everyone say that college is the best time in your life, and it far exceeds the fun and work of high school. Listen to everyone. They aren’t lying. Although there are requirements for each school and major, you can still dictate your schedule and you have control over how you manage your time. It’s a lot of responsibility, but a lot of fun. There will be times when you have an hour or two in between classes and you don’t know what to do, but that’s probably when the most fun things will happen. 

2. Eat! But don’t waste all of your money…

At GW, we are expected to budget our own meal plan and as most students have had their parents to feed them three times a day for the past 18 years, it can be difficult to make this leap to full responsibility. This doesn’t mean you should skip meals, nor does it mean you should have a sit down meal three times a day. Breakfast bars and small snacks you keep in your room will be a lifesaver if you’re running late to class or aren’t that hungry. You can just quickly grab a bar from your room and be set until lunch or dinner. The evil J Street is not so evil. If you don’t want to run out of your Colonial Cash in the first month, you will need to eat there. Suck it up. We all have to experience it together!

3. Join Student Orgs!

Get involved! There are hundreds of organizations to pick from along with club sports, and it is a great way to meet fellow freshmen along with other students. Don’t join too many because you don’t want to stretch yourself too thin, but a few weekly meetings can really help you adapt to GW and find your place on campus. Most student orgs will still welcome new members throughout the semester, so never think that it’s too late!

4. Find a healthy balance. 

It’s important to focus on your classes and do all of your work, but it is also extremely important to go out and meet people. Your academic life should come first, but your social life can really make or break your college experience. Don’t shut yourself in your room! Go out and meet new people, but make sure socializing isn’t hurting your school work! Although it might feel this way at times, Greek life is not the only way to have a social life. It can be beneficial to join a sorority or a fraternity, or it might just not be for you. Either way, make sure you are taking advantage of the city and your free time!

5. Don’t stress. We’re all in the same place.

I know it might seem like some people adapted to college life way faster than you did: found friends faster, joined more student orgs, socialize more than you, etc. Really, we are all in the same boat. We’re all a little unsure of ourselves and our place at GW, and most people haven’t found their lifelong friends just yet, even if it might seem that way. Sit back, relax, and don’t stress about it. We all belong here at GW, and eventually we will all find our place, but until then you don’t need to stress about it. You’re not behind just have fun!