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5 Tips for Less Stress in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

It’s no secret that college is stressful! However, you can reduce your stress with these five easy tips to make your day a little brighter.

1. Stay organized

Getting behind on assignments, losing your textbook, or forgetting an important meeting are all sure ways to add unnecessary stress to your college life. The best way to combat this is to stay organized by keeping an updating planner, maintaining a tidy study space, and even setting reminders on your phone.

2. Eat regular meals

Skipping meals is a bad habit that can negatively affect your health, and getting sick is something all college students strive to avoid. Make sure you’re eating regular, healthy meals to help your body avoid stress.

3. Do your laundry

…and vacuum your room every now and then, and take out the trash. Studies show that when your room is messy, your stress levels rise. So, take an afternoon to tidy up your living space; it’ll help boost your happiness, as well.

4. Get enough sleep

Sleep is a lot more important than we give it credit for. Manage your stress levels by getting at least eight hours of ZZZ’s every night. Your body and your mind will thank you.

5. Take a long, hot shower to de-stress

If you find yourself needing a study break, why not take a positive-thinking-only shower? 

Practicing mindful, intentional thinking during a shower can boost your mood for the rest of the day and reduce stress in your life.

Marie Osuna

Gustavus '21

Always drinking coffee and writing.