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5 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Fitness Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

“If you’re sick of starting over, stop giving up.”

We’ve all been there; making promises to ourselves that this time if for real and this last cookie the last one. But it never is for real and there are always many more cookies to follow. What is it about losing weight that makes it so hard to stick to? 

I was a yoyo-dieter all throughout high school and have recently lost 25 pounds – and kept it off. The secret? Consistency. 

Falling off the bandwagon one too many times can be disheartening and make you want to give up on your fitness goals all together, but trust me, the longer you keep pushing through, the easier it gets. 

Here are some tips that helped me stay committed to my fitness journey and keep the weight off for good. 

1. Set mini goals 

Saying “I’m going to lose 30 pounds by summer” can be an incredibly overwhelming task. Try setting mini goals for yourself like losing 2 pounds a month. 

2. Don’t make it all about weight 

This is the trick that finally got me to commit to fitness. “Looking hot” was never a motivating enough reason to get me to go to the gym or stop eating chocolate. So instead, I started making goals based around performance and overall health like being able to squat 225 pounds or drinking a gallon of water a day. Seeing progress in other areas motivated me to keep going to the gym and weight loss ended up being just an added bonus. 

3. Track your progess without the scale 

The scale never, ever tells the whole story. The scale can fluctuate several times a day based on your water and sodium intake so it’s important not to solely rely on it to track your progess. Instead, take monthly progress photos and use the tightness of your favourite pair of jeans to determine your progess. 

4. Share your journey

Another thing that helped me a lot during my weight loss journey was sharing my progress with like minded people. These days there’s a huge fitness community on social media that is eager to offer support and advice. Having others to motivate you and keep you accountable will make sticking to your goals a lot easier!

5. Let yourself live life 

Don’t let you weight loss journey ruin the fun of living you life. Don’t skip out on dinner with your friends because you’re scared to eat out and don’t say no to a family outing because you can’t miss a workout. While dedication is important, you need to make sure you give yourself an opportunity to live your life normally. So go out and enjoy some dessert with your friends and then just get right back in the gym tomorrow. 

Emily is a third year student at the University of Guelph studying Environmental Governance and Geographical Information Systems. She is the President and Campus Correspondent of Guelph's Her Campus chapter, which she founded in 2016. She is also an active member of the Environmental Governance Society and a journalist for the Guelph Gryphons. She spends so much time in the ocean she's half mermaid! She loves to scuba dive and surf, and hopes to one day use her degree to create ocean and marine life protection policies. If she's not in the water, she's in the gym. She has a passion for fitness and also plays competitive hockey. Her biggest passion is travel; she's been to over a dozen different countries and even founded her own travel blog where she documents her adventures around the globe. Emily always has a thirst for adventure and never says no to new experiences. Whether its hiking the edge of a mountain or swimming with sharks, she's always ready to tackle adventure head on! Follow Emily around the world: www.airplanesandavocados.com Follow her journey on Instagram: @airplanesandavocados