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5 Things to Remember during Midterm Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

The libraries, study rooms and coffee shops will soon overflow with semi-stressed students. Yes, it’s that time again… Midterms. The week you figure out if that class is really worth taking this semester or if you can hang in there for two more months. As you’re studying for your exams, here are five things you should remember to get through it in one piece.



1.    Get enough sleep. You will not be able to focus or be at your best if you don’t get some rest. Catchy, right? Getting a good night’s sleep the night before an exam will help you stay awake and alert during the test. Going to sleep early also means no all-nighters, so make sure to start studying ahead of time.

2.   Don’t procrastinate studying. We’re all victims of procrastination at times, but midterms are one out of two times in the semester when procrastination should not be anywhere near your vocabulary. Start studying for your exam at least two weeks ahead of time. Your professor will probably continue to teach new material up until exam day, but studying and learning the material right after class will ease the stress of taking the test – and help avoid unnecessary cram sessions.

3.   Start a study group with classmates. Some of your classmates may know the test material a little better than you at first, so suggest getting together to go over it with them. Book a study room in the library, go to Starbucks, or make it a comfortable study session in your dorm. Group study sessions tend to help students learn and remember test material better than going solo. Classmates will be able to break down definitions and explanations that are easier to remember if you didn’t quite catch your professor explain it.

4.   Go to your professor’s office hours. If the material is just not registering with you or is hard to understand, talk to your professor during office hours. Talking through things you don’t understand with a professor will benefit you a lot more than wasting study time trying to figure it all out on your own. He or she is there to help you and want you to come ask questions. Make an appointment or email if you can’t meet in person. Just be sure to ask questions a few days before the exam so your professor will be able to get back to you in a timely matter.

5.    Just Breathe! Don’t stress yourself out by giving yourself time to study, making sure you have all of the information you need, drinking some water and relaxing. Don’t let midterms get the best of you, and you will do fine.

We hope midterms aren’t too bad and that you come out on top with the grade you were hoping for. Happy studying, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


Ashley Drayton is an alumna of Georgia State University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Since being involved with Her Campus, she was co-founder and president of the GSU chapter, former chapter advisor of 5-8 college chapters, and wrote as a national contributing writer. Her dream job/career is to become a top writer, editor, blogger.