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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Studying is hard. I get that. So, here are some stellar albums for every type of study music listener to keep you focused:


For those who need quiet:


Ambient’s self-titled album of instrumental music is perfect for producing a quiet atmosphere for focusing. A few of the most popular songs on their album are “Winter Light,” “Ocean,” and “Relax.”  

The Pearl

Brian Eno and Harold Budd’s 1984 album The Pearl is a collection of ambient music that lets the notes simply exist in air. This album solicits a melancholic environment, yet is lively enough to keep you awake.


For those who need something a little more upbeat, but not distracting:

Chillhop Essentials Spring 2018

Chillhop’s Spring collection combines exceptional jazz elements with invigorating bass that is perfect for those who need a more encouraging and lighthearted environment. This album will keep you attentive and optimistic for the coming week.

Soul Freewheeling

If you are a fan of electronic music, DJ BONUS’s latest album may be of interest. Its electronic influences combined with ambient sounds liven up your environment to keep things interesting without sacrificing attentiveness.


For those who need something slightly more dynamic:

Hotel California

The Eagles’ 1976 album is subtle enough to help you focus if you are someone that needs the feel of a song. The abundance of guitar solos provides thoughtful breaks in between verses. Paired with the historical hype and soft rock sound, this album will be perfect for anyone who works better with lyrics.

Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits

Fleetwood Mac’s collection of Greatest Hits album is an easy listen. Even the most passive listener will appreciate the vitality that their songs exude. With the perfect amount of enthusiasm in this collection, one cannot help but remain diligent and confident with their studies.

This is just a sampling of all the great study music out there. Good luck on finals, Zags!