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How to Overcome Procrastination

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

We all know what it’s like to start a project the night before it’s due, or wait until the last minute to read all 96 pages of your textbook. Sometimes the pull of Netflix is too strong, or your bed is calling your name. There are countless distractions that cause us to push homework and chores aside and instead indulge in activities that make us forget all about all the things we were supposed to be doing…

But after a while, stress begins to build up, and all the fun that you’ve been having slacking off is meaningless in the face of tomorrow’s exam that you should have been studying for.

Here’s a couple ways to reduce procrastination, and still have fun!

  1. Frontload! Start early, not late. Think of it this way, if you get everything done the first day, then you have all the time in the world to relax and do whatever you want, and know you DESERVED it, instead of feeling guilty for relaxing and doing other things when you know you should be working.
  2. Make small goals for yourself. Commit to a 20-30 minute block of time (or more!) where you’re going to singularly focus on one assignment, sans distractions. Or commit to finishing 20% of the paper.
  3. Take timed breaks. Instead of trying to crank out everything all at once, or setting unrealistic goals for yourself, set a timer for a 5-10 minute break after you’ve completed your goal and relax! That way you won’t burn yourself out or zone out while working.
  4. Keep yourself accountable by putting a stop on other activities until you’ve reached your goals. Maybe you want to go out with friends that night, so instead of working until it’s time to go, don’t let yourself go unless you finish what you need to. That will keep you motivated and working hard, and you won’t have to be stressed out while you’re out thinking about all the stuff you still have to do!
  5. Reward yourself for accomplishing those goals – Get the ice cream, go to the party, buy the shoes!
  6. Reap the rewards of a stress-free and productive life!