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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Since returning back to school, I’ve noticed that I’ve let my “new years resolutions” set in place only weeks ago begin to slip away. Not many people are able to follow through with resolutions (myself included). Because I’m not very self-disciplined, I’ve put together three guidelines to try to follow every day to make me feel like my life is just a little bit more together. And you should try them too!

1. Wake Up Earlier

While I would not consider myself to be a morning person in the slightest, I always feel so much better when I get out of bed early rather than staying in bed until I have ten minutes to get to class.  Whenever I start my day early, I have more time to pick out a cute outfit and am able to put myself together.

2. Go to the Gym

I don’t think that many people genuinely enjoy working out.  However, no one can disagree that sticking to a somewhat regular workout routine definitely makes you a much more disciplined person.  Plus, as GU students, our gym is completely free, which is something we should take advantage of.

3. Keep my Space Clean

I am so guilty of letting things pile up on my chair until my desk and entire sitting area in my room are covered in dirty clothes.  Having a clean room always clears my mind and allows me to have a relaxing environment to go back to at the end of a long day. I think that getting in the habit of picking up after myself will make me feel much more organized and much happier!

These guidelines are just what I’m planning on trying to incorporate more in my life. I would encourage you to try these or come up with your own in order to improve your daily routines!  

lover of peonies, john f. kennedy, & hip hop music