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How Myopic Views of Feminism Are Hurting Women Everywhere: In Response to “I Am a Female and I Am So Over Feminists”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

In response to: https://beta.theodysseyonline.com/female-over-feminists


I hope you’re all ready to read the words, “god damn it” a lot because I am really goddamn angry. I am angry because women who have not personally experienced patriarchal oppression believe that feminism is unnecessary. I am angry that a woman of privilege had the audacity to claim that “we’re okay” when that gender wage gap is closing at such a slow pace that my great, great, great granddaughter might not even be guaranteed equal pay (AAUW.org. 100 years. Do your research.) I am angry that people think it’s a goddamned travesty when a woman doesn’t want a man to pay for her dinner, and yet no one cries out about the 97 percent of perpetrators of sexual assault who never see a day in prison. I am angry that we are not more goddamn angry about the statistic that shows that one in every five women is sexually assaulted. I am angry that men are perpetuating this attitude in women.

Hello, yes, angry feminist reporting for duty. I am angry about a lot of things, but what is simply unforgivable is the blindness toward race that anti-feminists believe is a reason to assume that everything is fine. Here’s an important message: just because you don’t feel the oppression of the patriarchy does not mean that others don’t.

Like the author of this article, I am white, and thus, I am privileged. Now, everyone gets finicky when you throw in the word “privileged,” but what needs to be understood about the term is that it is not said in order to degrade; rather, it is said to motivate those with power to help those without it. For example, if you insist that you do not need feminism because you are comfortable with your status as a white, upper-class American woman with European roots, you are doing nothing to help raise awareness of the fact that black and Latina women are paid less than anyone else in the country.

Essentially, just because you don’t personally feel you need feminism because your life as a woman is fair (in which case I envy you) doesn’t mean that other women, particularly women of color, don’t need your support. Such an attitude is selfish and myopic. But we’re not just talking about women in the United States, here. Some reasons to support feminism, even if you do not feel personally oppressed, are the issues of female genital mutilation (in which women, often children, are literally turned into objects and denied sexual pleasure in an excruciatingly painful way), sex trafficking, arranged and child marriage, sexual assault, and abuse in the workplace.

So stop thinking that it’s all about you, and get stop perpetuating the idea that feminism is damaging to men. It is a movement meant to empower all women–not solely white women–through equality, god damn it.

That said, let me walk you through my rebuttal of the aforementioned article point-by-point:

Women are respected and society treats them fairly:

I appreciate what you say about women making social and economic progress as a result of the determination of our mothers, aunts, and grandmothers, but the gender wage gap doesn’t exactly scream equality. The number of women who are sexually assaulted on college campuses does not scream fair treatment. Female athletes are paid less than male athletes. Girls in television shows are portrayed by oversexualized adult women. The United States’ policy on maternity and paternity leave is the worst of any other developed country. It’s not all about sports.

Women are abusing chivalry:

Look, if a woman doesn’t want the door held for her, that’s her decision, and it’s not a reason for which to chastise her. Why are we acting like chivalry being rejected is a bigger problem than black and Latina women being the lowest paid workers in America? Furthermore, reminding your readers that men are naturally stronger than women, it’s science! is just another way of degrading your gender to find a reason to sympathize with men who believe that they are being oppressed by feminism. It is wrong to point to the female body as “delicate” in order to make women feel guilty about not letting their dates pay for dinner.

Feminism puts down men:

I can’t honestly believe I have to respond to this???!!? Feminism encourages women to fight for equality, meaning we have to push harder and make a bigger commotion because we began well more than a few steps back. Here, we go back to privilege: it’s okay to have privilege, but it is also okay for people who are not as lucky to fight for the same goddamned rights that you have.

It’s upsetting that the feminist movement for which my mother and grandmother fought is being misconstrued to make women feel guilty. Do your research next time, and ask, “What can I do for other women who are not as privileged as I am?” Because I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Regardless of your opinion, I am glad you shared your thoughts and exercised your freedom of speech. I ask you now take this opportunity to learn how you can bring equality to women everywhere.

English major with a writing concentration, Civil War era studies/Middle East and Islamic studies minor. I'm all about goats and feminism.