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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.


The Women’s March on Washington and all across the world was definitely an inspiring moment for all women. After this day of disaster when Donald Trump became the president (I will never get use to that), we needed something motivating to keep us going.

It was the most beautiful thing to see. To see not just women, but men and kids and teens join together and march for women’s right. From equal pay to No means No, the women’s march symbolized unity and honor.

What I cannot understand is why we still have men who cannot accept a woman as their equal? Explain that to me for a second. Why am I not considered as an equal to you? Is because I have a breast or vagina? Is because the stereotype of men being the bread-winner and the dominant figure? Or is it because there are some men who are just intimidated by a woman?

Let’s go back for a minute. WE all came from a woman. 9 months a woman carried this creature and it was released into the world and there was so sort of hope that they would bring good to the world. So automatically woman are the dominant force because without them there is no world.

Somewhere along the way, some idiot decided that a woman was less superior and she should stay in the back and do what a man says. At some point, women fell for that. We fell for the trick of being the wife who stays home and cooks, clean and watches the kids while the man is at work. On top of that, if we were to work, we wouldn’t get the same amount of pay because we are a woman.

Then let look at the fact that woman are at a higher rate of being victimized by sexual assault than men are. Somewhere along the line, someone told a woman that being raped, molested, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed and personally victimized by a man requires you to take it and say nothing, as if that’s not going to break you down physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Then somehow some man decides that we need to place taxes on tampons and pads. I just don’t understand how you can tax something that every woman does not have control over. Our periods come with being a woman. I like to see a male bleed from his area from 3-7 days and see how he feels about it.

On top of that, women are being portrayed as sexual beings on TV and music videos, being shunned for having abortions and being pushed away from Planned Parenthood.

All these negative things that women have to put up with on a daily basis and yet in still, we are not equal to a man. See what many of these small minded men do not see is that with a woman, there is no life.

Women are naturally gifted creatures who can do anything they set their mind to. We can play the CEO, the caregiver and the wife and still have time to manage to put dinner on the table.

It will probably be a long time until we see women as equals, but until then we will continue to be the bomb ass humans that we were created to be

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Taisha White

Georgia Southern

Taisha White 23 Georgia Southern University Senior Multimedia Journalism Major Just trying to make my dreams come true
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.