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5 Ways to Make the Most of Your First Semester at Georgetown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

You’ve prepared all summer for college. You’ve spent hours of shopping with your mom, checking things off your checklist, and counting down the days until it was time to leave for college. Now that you’ve settled in and the hype has worn off (even though it never fully will), you’re looking to start off on the right foot. College success doesn’t come easy, it takes planning and hard work, but you’ll be a savvy collegiette in no time with these first semester tips!

1.Do your homework ahead of time- I can’t stress how liberating it will feel when you can relax all week because you did your homework ahead of time. While your friends are stressed and frantically highlighting their pages upon pages of reading you’ll be able to watch Netflix, catch up on sleep, and just breathe.

2.Get enough sleep – If there’s one thing college students put on the back burner, myself included, is sleep. Whether it’s homework that needs to be finished, or socializing that needs to be done sleep is never the priority. But like you’ve heard your whole life, sleep is so important. According to a recent study at the University of Cincinnati, only about 24% of the students surveyed received adequate amounts of sleep, which for a college student is eight hours.


3. Don’t overbook yourself – It can be tempting to sign up for anything and everything, to find more organizations and experiences to put on your already impressive resume, but refrain from doing so, at least at first. It’s great to get involved but make sure you’re not drowning in your schedule. College can be overwhelming at first, the last thing you need is have the things that are supposed to be fun, stressing you out.

4. Put yourself out there – There’s a refreshing clean slate when you come to college, you can be anyone you want but most of all you should be yourself! The first semester of college is a time to leave your comfort zone, try new things, and make new friends. Yes, it may be awkward and intimidating but everyone is in the same boat. First semester is all about pushing your limits.

5. Make time for fun – College is first and foremost about getting a degree but don’t get so caught up in your school work that you forget to make the most of the social life at Georgetown. Time management during the week is crucial for a fun weekend.

College is a big adjustment, no parents, more independence, new people, and a harder work load. Using these tips here on the Hilltop has made my few weeks at Georgetown amazing. Go ahead and give them a try, I’m certain that your first semester can be just as great!

Cole is a freshman at Georgetown University who spends her time writing, blowing her savings on online shopping, following professional sports, and telling everyone she meets how much she loves America. She is a writer for the Georgetown Chapter of the Odyssey, a lifeguard at Yates, and a contributing writer for Her Campus!
Victoria is a senior at Georgetown University studying Psychology. She is a self proclaimed Pinterest enthusiast and health nut, who also enjoys running, yoga, baking, and anything outdoors.