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Mondays As Told By Disney Princesses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Happy Monday! All of us have had those Mondays that hit us in the face and drag on forever. Disney Princesses are the ultimate level of perfection; however they all endure Mondays too. Here is your average Monday told by Disney Princesses.

Waking up on Monday is always a struggle, but it must be done. You spent Sunday night procrastinating your growing stack of homework and catching up on your TV shows. Now, you not only have to rise and shine, but you have to go to class.

After dragging yourself out of bed and getting ready for the day, you convince yourself that this will be a great day. This will not be another lame Monday.

But, once you get to class you realize you didn’t do the reading or the homework. The next hour and fifteen minutes will be spent in silent prayers that the professor doesn’t call on you.

The professor asks you a question (of course) which is spent with intense stares with classmates, hoping for the answer.

After class, you have your weekly “I’m going to have to adult soon” mental breakdown. When will the reflection show who you’re supposed to be?

You deal with your mid-college crisis. Now it is time to catch up on all of the never ending homework.

After finishing all your homework, it is time to settle down for some me time and go to bed. Monday is finally over and you survived. 

At least until Tuesday…

Shelby Smith is an English major with a concentration in creative writing at Georgia College & State University. She hopes to write the next great American novel one day while becoming a #girlboss. Shelby loves Pinterest, hedgehogs, organizational supplies, and has a mild obsession with makeup. You can follow her on Instagram @shelbysmilege.