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The End of Spring Semester as Told by Parks and Recreation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Yes, the beloved, sweltering hot season is on the horizon: summer. But before we get there, we must experience all of the drawbacks of the end of the semester. Final exams, papers, presentations, moving out, and being separated from your friends is tough. But the lovable characters of Parks and Recreation understand our struggles, and they’re willing to help you make it out in one piece.


Finals are just the worst, plain and simple. Spending hours in the library, all-nighters filled with studying, and cramming on nights before big exams really takes a toll on us. Endless amounts of coffee are needed to keep us going throughout the week.


As if the stress of finals isn’t enough, we also have to haul everything we own out of our dorms, apartments and houses. This is never easy. We have to box up our entire closets, move our heavy furniture, and somehow get it all to fit in our cars. Most of the time, we have no one to help us, because we are “responsible adults” (even though it doesn’t always feel like it) and are expected to be able to do this ourselves.


You will have to give yourself several pep talks throughout these last few weeks. Without them, how could you possibly keep going? You are your own best motivator.


The saddest part of the end of the semester is parting ways with your friends for the summer. After spending every single day with them throughout the entire semester, you don’t know how you could possibly go one day without them. 


But we all know you’ll be calling each other to hang out the very next day, because you already miss them and cannot function without them.


Finally, after enduring these stressful last few weeks of the spring semester, you will have made it to summer! Relax, take a sigh of relief, and be sure to TREAT YO SELF! You deserve it!

Her Campus GCSU Campus Correspondent. Senior Mass Communication major with a focus in Journalism. Cat mom, writer, avid concert-goer, iced coffee addict.