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College Studying Do’s and Don’ts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Here are some of the MOST important and top  tips when it comes to studying, preparing presentations, or finishing an assignment for any college classes! We all dread spending hours on homework and studying, so here are a few ways to ensure that you utilize your study time to the fullest!

1. Utilize your professors office hours! (Go more than once…)

Here at Georgia College, the open door policy should be utilized to its full potential. Although it may seem intimidating, taking time out of your day to stop by your professor’s office and asking them a simple question, will not only put you at ease, but it will allow your professor to see that you care about his/her class. Speaking from personal experience, it never hurts to speak to your professors and build up your student and professor relationship. Ex: you can network and add them on LinkedIn and if your skills or intelligence stick out enough to them, and it could eventually lead to further life opportunities. 

2. TURN OFF YOUR PHONE. (Off is an intimidating word, but it needs to be done)

I know, its a hard thing to do, so there are steps to take before turning off your phone completely so you’re not constantly thinking about what is going on in your mobile world. You can start by turning on the Do Not Disturb function. After the Do Not Disturb function, Airplane mode is the next step! Personally I utilize Airplane mode when I have to study or do homework, but I use my phone as a clock or reference to what a classmate has said, or instructions for the assignment. If you do not have any immediate need or use for your phone while studying for a test or completing a homework assignment, turning it off can help erase any distractions and can be a truly liberating feeling.

3. Give yourself enough time (and then some)

Procrastination has gotten the best of all of us at one point or another. Sometimes we underestimate the amount of time we may need for an assignment, or how long we may need to do well on an exam and find ourselves buried in work and flashcards at 3 A.M. the morning before a big test. One way to ensure that you allot extra time for assignments/studying is writing down due dates, two or three days earlier in your planner. Personally I put all of my exams in my planner in RED ink and put reminders in ORANGE and highlight days that I should be studying or starting my assignments in YELLOW!

Once all of these three tips have been utilized, the seemingly long study hours & hours spent on homework will begin to shrink! Mostly because you are not constantly texting, tweeting, checking Facebook or Instagram. I know these steps may seem like common sense, but sometimes reading them instead of hearing them can make all of the difference. The more you utilize studying effectively, the more time you will have for your personal interests and hobbies!

Lauren Clark is a Marketing major & Management minor at Georgia College & State University. She consideres herself a social media/PR addict, yoga lover and avid reader. She created her own photography business (www.facebook.com/LaurenClarkPhotography) and has an incredible passion for capturing moments. You can find her obsessing over Lana Del Rey or just music in general.  She loves Netflix (who doesn't?), Harry Potter, Grey's Anatomy, and is obsessed with Gilmore Girls. She hopes to work in the Marketing, Public Relations or Advertising industry after graduation. You can find her Instagramming: @laurennclarkk, tweeting: @laurennnclarkkx (there are too many Lauren Clarks in this world), Networking: (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lauren-h-clark/b9/9b7/61) and blogging at www.getbackupagain.tumblr.com!