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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Are you struggling to keep you new year’s gym resolution? First of all, remember that being healthy is most important, not being skinny! The body positivity movement has been on the rise, and I’m so glad our society is shifting away from promoting unhealthy habits. However, I always feel stronger and more confident after a workout! Here’s a playlist to fuel your workout…but remember that strong>skinny! Happy workout!

Savannah is a senior marketing major at Georgia College and State University, which is the best college in Georgia by far. She enjoys working out, listening to her favorite bands (Jack White/White Stripes and Led Zeppelin), traveling, and watching netflix. She hopes to be found working on a major advertising campaign one day, or maybe traveling the world in a hippie van. You can follow her on instagram: s_avonlea