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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

So you’re getting a little deeper into astrology and beginning to realize that the more you learn, the more questions you have. You know everything about the sun signs and may even be familiar with moon signs, but you’ve hit a road block. We’ve all been there. What even are houses? What do they mean? Because I was so confused when I first started learning, I started compiling information in a journal to make my life easier. Hopefully this will help make yours a little easier too!

1st House: Represents self, appearances, first impressions, fresh starts & beginnings. *Ruled by Aries and Mars. 

2nd House: Represents your material and physical environment as well as income and self-esteem. *Ruled by Taurus and Venus. 

3rd House: Represents communication in all forms. It also includes siblings, local travel, schools, etc. *Ruled by Gemini and Mercury.

4th House: Represents your foundation — Home, privacy, basic security (including immediate family). *Ruled by Cancer and the moon. 

5th House: Represents self-expression, creativity, romance, and fun. *Ruled by Leo and the Sun. 

6th House: Represents health and service. It rules any form of routine, organization, service of others, and healthy living. *Ruled by Virgo and Mercury. 

7th House: Represents all relationships, including significant others and working relationships. Similarly, it rules related contracts such as marriage or business deals. *Ruled by Libra and Venus.

8th House: Represents transformation, birth, death, mystery, merged energies, and bonding. It also represents other people’s property and finances. *Ruled by Scorpio and Pluto.

9th House: Represents the higher mind and expansion (including education). Long-distance travel and foreign languages, inspiration, adventure, religion and ethics. *Ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. 

10th House: Represents structures, traditions, public image, honors, discipline, fathers. *Ruled by Capricorn and Saturn. 

11th House: Represents friendships, groups, society, humanitarian causes, rebellion, and astronomy. *Ruled by Aquarius and Uranus. 

12th House: Represents endings, so fittingly it rules the final stages of projects, old age, and the after life. It also rules the imagination, arts, and the subconscious mind. *Ruled by Pisces and Neptune. 

Midheaven: This is the one that always confused me the most. This represents your reputation, your most visible achievements. It can help to guide your professional life and aspirations. 

*This is what rules each house in the natural zodiac, and not necessarily in your own chart. However the energies of the ruling sign and planet are still felt in your personal chart. 



Skyler Wilkes is a junior Theatre and Creative Writing double major at GCSU! Skyler enjoys reading, traveling, red lipstick, and How I Met Your Mother. You can follow her on Instagram @skylerelizabethh