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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

At GC, fall has offically arrived. With the never ending rain and 90 degree weather everyday it doesn’t feel like fall to the Bobcats. However with the arrival of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, fall break, and midterms, GC is having its own version of fall. With something going on all over campus, here is eight things Bobcats are currently thinking.

1) I hope I passed my midterm.

2) How exactly does a S or U help me evaluate my grade?

3) Fall weather is supossed to be cold, not 90 degrees everyday.


5) I do not have my life together.

6) What should I be for Halloween?

7) Fall break is almost here!

8) It’s yoga pants and leggings season!




Shelby Smith is an English major with a concentration in creative writing at Georgia College & State University. She hopes to write the next great American novel one day while becoming a #girlboss. Shelby loves Pinterest, hedgehogs, organizational supplies, and has a mild obsession with makeup. You can follow her on Instagram @shelbysmilege.