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5 Ways to Survive Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

The time has come…midterms are upon us once again. While some stress is good, there’s a fine line between being driven and being driven insane. But don’t worry y’all, I’m here to help you push through midterms with (most of) your sanity intact!

1. Dedicate time to yourself.

I know, I know, easier said than done. One of the keys to making it through this tough time is getting a good night’s sleep and eating a balanced breakfast, two things that are quick to be pushed aside when you’re in a time crunch. It’s not just that you deserve it– you need it. If balancing equations or analyzing Jane Eyre has you ready to pull out your hair, set aside thirty minutes for a good old-fashioned soak in the tub. Using an aromatherapy candle or bubble bath– try either lavender or eucalyptus mint, both known to relinquish stress– could take your relaxation to the next level.


2. Do your work in small blocks of time.

Trying to continue working when your brain is fried is basically a waste of your time. Instead, plan your work in short bursts, using a timer to keep yourself on track. The Pomodoro Technique (aka The Tomato Timer) is a lifesaver– it uses twenty-five minutes of work with five minute breaks in between to let yourself breathe. The best part is that after four or five blocks, you get to take a twenty minute break. TWENTY. WHOLE. MINUTES.

3. Make specific to-do lists.

To make the most of your time, organize your assignments into smaller tasks. Instead of saying “Write American Lit paper” or “Study for bio exam,” break it down further– “Write intro paragraph,” and “type up lecture notes” are much more easily conquered, making you feel less overwhelmed. Programs like Wunderlist and Evernote help you keep track of your lists and prioritize what’s most important.

4. Plan ahead.

You know that this period is going to be a real stressor. That being said, if you map out what you need to do ahead of time, you will feel much more collected and calm. Alot more time for each task than you really need, that way you can feel accomplished and ahead of your schedule if you finish early, or right on time if you take up the whole window! It’s a win-win.


5. Remember that fall break is right around the corner!

Two whole days with no class, no assignments piling up. If that doesn’t sound like two days of pure heaven, I don’t know what does. If you find yourself on the verge of a breakdown, just think about how nice it will be to relax for that long weekend.

Tess is a senior English major at Georgia College, with a concentration in literature and a minor in French. She loves Bruce Springsteen, watching TV, matching pajama sets, baking, cuddling with her dog, and oxford commas. Her life goal is to marry Ben Wyatt and have the hair of a Victoria's Secret model. You can follow her on Twitter at @likeomgtess.