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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Let’s be real, there are some things at GCSU that only its native Bobcats can understand and relate to in their entirety. Here are some of the struggles we share:

1. Temperature Inside vs. Temperature Outside

It’s impossible to dress appropriately. It’s either freezing outside and hot as Hades in your classroom because the A/C in A&S is messed up *again*, OR it’s hot and muggy and just Georgia outside but basically Antarctica in your classroom. There’s no way to dress for this and look normal, so you just have to do your best and face the judgmental glances of people who don’t share your particular struggles.

2. Being Poor

Real, tangible money is hard to come by and we’re reaching the point of the school year where your dining dollars and Cat Cash are dwindling at a disturbingly rapid pace. You keep meaning to get your mom to put more money on there, but let’s be real, you keep forgetting. So, at this point, you’re embracing the college stereotype and living off of Ramen and water; furthermore, you’ve decided that you would in fact marry for money if the guy would buy you Zaxby’s.

3. The MAX

Speaking of food, you still haven’t been able to determine if the…um… things being served at the MAX can actually be categorized under the label ‘food.’ Some of it seems questionable.

4. Laundry

Stretching your wardrobe out as far as it can possibly go has become a personal challenge. You’re saving Cat Cash and testing your creativity – those are good, right? The bad part is, your outfits have become quite embarrassing (think when you first tried to dress yourself as a toddler). 

5. Parking

Everyone can feel me on this one. There’s not enough parking. By the time you get ready, head to campus, circle the block a few times, and finally see a spot (cue angels singing), someone else swoops in and snatches it right out from under you.

6. Classes You Don’t Actually Understand

We all get that this is a liberal art college, but sometimes we are just completely confused about what the classes we are taking actually are… South Asian Sexuality? I don’t even know…

7. Construction

It’s gotten to the point where we see the machinery Bobcat more often on campus than Thunder the Bobcat. Improvement is good, but it just keeps going on and on, and no one is entirely sure what’s being done… 

8. Last Minute Plans

It’s really great being spontaneous and all…when it’s planned. But when your girls text you wanting to go out and you’re already in your sweats, hair up, bra off, hanging with bae (aka Grey’s Anataomy – McDreamy, anyone?)…the last thing you want to do is put on real clothes. Anything that involves pants at this point is out of the question. Also, refer to #4 – you literally have nothing to wear.

9. Registration

You spend hours planning your schedule and watch as the classes you desperately need fill up throughout registration week before you have a chance to try to grab some seats. The morning of, you wake up, put your CRN numbers in, and….the website crashes or disappears and suddenly you’re enrolled for one class next semester. K. Cool. 

10. Small Campus Probs

We all love how cute and walkable GCSU is and it’s always fun to see people you know and wave to them while wandering around campus. However, there are those people you don’t want to see on campus (you know who I’m talking about), and it’s absolutely impossible to NOT see them. Moonwalk away from awkward situation.

11. Sidewalks

The sidewalks around campus are determined to bring us all down. It takes a ridiculous amount of focus to not bust your butt on a regular basis. We still have no idea how the tour guides walk these sidewalks backwards…some voodoo magic happening there.

12. Bobcat Exchange

From people trying to sell half-used bottles of shampoo to a bajillion people asking where they can get their iPhone screens repaired – we’ve seen it all and we get ALL the notifications. I’ve never been in a hostage situation, but I’m a member of Bobcat Exchange and it seems like pretty much the same thing.

13. Yik Yak

When you see something relatable on Yik Yak, naturally you laugh. Then, you look around and whisper to yourself, “Is this about me…?”

14. Avoiding the Fountain

The fountain is one of the prettiest places on campus, but when the tables come out, the Bobcats find any other route to class. We will literally walk completely out of our way to get to class rather than face the fountain area Hunger Games cornucopia style. We all know how that goes down – not pretty.


15. That’s Not Our School

No one can get our school name right – for the LAST time, we are NOT Georgia State. Not our name (cue the Ting Tings). Furthermore, no one has any idea where Milledgeville is, and it’s just not even worth trying to explain anymore.

But, despite all the struggles and ‘I can’t even’ moments, GCSU is still the school that stole our hearts. We love ya, Bobcat nation – quirks and all! #bobcats4lyfe

Charis Andrews is an early childhood education major, psychology minor at Georgia College & State University. She is greatly looking forward to her days as a kindergarten teacher. She loves photography, Pinterest, glitter, coffee, Jesus, nail polish, and finding new great shows to binge watch (recommendations, anyone?). You can follow her on Instagram at @charisandrews