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10 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

So it’s the time of year when there seems to be delicious food everywhere, seasonal drinks (PSLs!), delicious desserts, and yummy treats. You may be wondering how you’re gonna make it through without putting on an extra few pounds! It’s not as hard as you think, for almost everything in life is about moderation and balance. Here are a few tips to keep you looking and feeling your best throughout the season!

1. Moderation!

You’d be surprised how many extra calories you might be consuming-just by taking more than what will fill you up.  You don’t have to cut out certain foods altogether, but be mindful of  your portion sizes!

2. Drink lots of water!

I’m guilty of not drinking nearly enough water, but it’s arguably the most important part of a healthy diet. It will give you glowing skin, reduce cravings, keep you full, and keep you body running in top shape!

3. Limit carbs and sugar!

Focusing on reducing your consumption of carbs and sugar alone will help you drop pounds fast! They can also make you feel bloated and tired, which will motivate you not  to stay active. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel if you limit carbs and sugar!

4. Exercise 3-5 times a week!

You don’t have to be a fitness aficionado to rock the gym! One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard about working out is “Keep showing up, and make your time there count.” If you keep this in mind, you’re sure to see results within a couple weeks!

5. 20 minutes of cardio/day!

Increasing your heart rate is essential to burning fat and keeping those extra pounds off. You don’t have to run miles every day-experts say  even just 20 minutes a day will have an effect on your weight loss/maintaining a healthy body! 

6. Only eat until you’re full!

This seems intuitive, but if you’re actually mindful of when you’re full-and stop eating then-you will probably realize you were eating more than necessary! Mindless snacking and overeating at meals can pack on the pounds. Make sure you’re listening to your body.

7. Bring healthy snacks when you’re out!

The temptation to grab a bagel or convenient snack when you’re busy on campus or somewhere else can be strong. By bringing healthy snacks like almonds, protein bars, etc., you can avoid that temptation!

8. Limit alcohol!

Alcohol is full of carbs and sugar- two things that (as mentioned before) will derail your healthy eating/lifestyle plan! You don’t have to eliminate alcohol completely, but consider choosing healthier drinks. There are even some wine brands with only 100 calories a glass, so you can still enjoy a drink without the guilt!

9. Weight training!

Don’t buy into the myth that weightlifting will make you bulky or manly! It actually boosts your metabolism, so you burn fat quicker the more you tone. You can focus on a different area each day, so you’re not doing full-body workouts every day of the week. Consider breaking it up into arms, legs, chest, and back. There are plenty of resources online that will show you how to work those different areas!

10.  Indulge a little!

Life is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t be afraid to have that piece of cake or candy at a party! Enjoy the holidays, and you’ll feel better about those yummy desserts if you’re eating healthy and working out regularly!

Savannah is a senior marketing major at Georgia College and State University, which is the best college in Georgia by far. She enjoys working out, listening to her favorite bands (Jack White/White Stripes and Led Zeppelin), traveling, and watching netflix. She hopes to be found working on a major advertising campaign one day, or maybe traveling the world in a hippie van. You can follow her on instagram: s_avonlea