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Valerie Smith: Pow Wow Production Chair and Homecoming Extraordinaire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Valerie Smith

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: DeLand, Florida

Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle

Major: Information, Communication and Technology


Courtesy of : Carlos Crespo


As I sit here at Starbucks with my friend of almost 15 years, it’s hard not to be proud of all that she has accomplished here at FSU. As we talk about what she has been up to, I can’t help but think how some things never change, even after a lifetime of being friends.

Her Campus (HC): First off, why did you get involved with Homecoming?

Valerie Smith (VS): I was always really involved with Homecoming in high school and it’s this passion that I’ve had through out all of my life. I was involved in the dance, in the parade and every aspect of Homecoming in high school and I wanted to continue that in college.

HC: How do you think your high school experience prepared you for working on a production this large?

VS: My Senior year of high school I was the director of “The Growl” which is a smaller version of Pow Wow. We had to set up the gym and take care of music and lighting as well as making sure all of the acts were ready. I feel like what I learned in high school I will incorporate into Pow Wow and it will help me to move onto something bigger with more help here at FSU.

HC: Your sister was head of Pow Wow when she was at FSU, does she give you any advice or tips?

VS: My sister was a big help introducing me to the right people to get involved. But I’ve definitely kind of made my own path and I’ve chosen do go some different routes than her. She has helped, but I think that this is something that I’ve been more in control of. 

HC: What does being production chair of Pow Wow mean?

VS: I will be in charge of the stage, the lighting, the props and essentially the whole atmosphere of the civic center. I’ll also help out with the acts that go on prior to the headliner and basically help with anything our director needs to get done.

HC: What has been your favorite part of being on Homecoming Committee so far?

VS: My favorite part has definitely been getting to know everyone on the Homecoming council. We had a retreat at the Rez at the end of last year and coming back from that I felt so connected to everyone and I feel like we are becoming like a small family. I think that family feeling has really helped us all work together and create an amazing Homecoming this year.

HC: Do you see yourself continuing to work on Homecoming in the future?

VS: My end goal is definitely to become the Overall Director of Homecoming one day. Homecoming is something that I’m so passionate about and I just want to keep making it bigger and better every year.

HC: What kind of a time commitment has Pow Wow production chair been? 

VS: Its been a large time commitment, but worth it. I spend roughly 3 hours a day working on Homecoming. It hasn’t always been this way, with the start of Homecoming Week coming up fast, we’re starting to get into crunch mode and you help everyone out with whatever you can to get the job done.

HC: Can you give us any hints about who we can expect to see at Pow Wow this year?

VS: I can’t give away any hints but it will be announced soon and in some way cool. You can follow all of our social media accounts, and it will be announced through there!

Make sure to follow FSU Homecoming on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Her Campus at Florida State University.