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Tips for a Happier and Healthier 2018

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

1. Stop comparing yourselves to others

We find a lot of our dissatisfaction with our lives based on comparison to others. While the reality is that there will always be people that have it worse than you, as well as people that have it better than you, you never fully understand someone’s situation to the core. It is important to recognize different variables in different lifestyles.

2. Find the good in every day

Most of us have more good days than bad, yet we find ourselves dwelling on the bad ones. Just like how we analyze those obstacles, it is crucial that we also do so with our highlights. After all, the news does not just report the crimes and the controversial bills – it covers a wide variety of positive incidents, as well. I recommend starting a journal or a jar, in which notes are written every day documenting highlights of those days. These can include little things, such as petting a really cute dog or listening to a great new album that had just been released. At the end of the year, when most people feel like they have been in a slump and failed to follow through with their New Year’s resolutions, you can reflect on what actually turned out to be an eventful 365 days. Doing this also enhances your appreciation for the little joys of life.

3. Make everything an adventure

Mundane tasks such as going to the supermarket or the gym can be made so much more exciting if you put effort into making them fun.  Friends make life better, so use them for these tasks; arrange your grocery shopping and exercise schedules similarly to theirs so that you can complete these tasks together. Nothing is better than racing down aisles and throwing a bunch of fun junk food into a cart with your friends or doing a fun Zumba workout with them.

4. Understand that success is relative

Going off of the topic of comparison and its toxic effects, it is important to acknowledge that anything can be considered a goal or achievement. For some, getting out of bed is both a goal and an accomplishment. But others think that only huge milestones such as making a 4.0 GPA or doing a fancy internship count as accomplishments worthy of praise. If you celebrate your little successes on a daily basis, from getting to bed by a decent time to earning an A on a quiz, you will keep up motivation that can often times run out if there is not enough enthusiasm in your day-to-day encounters.

5. Express gratitude

Several psychological studies have found that gratitude is the source of many people’s happiness. Expressing gratitude allows you to reflect on all of the blessings you have in your life, which in turn brings out these feelings of happiness. Thank those around you: your parents, your friends, your peers, your neighbors, and anyone who has touched your life in a positive way.

6. Explore beyond your horizon

It can be easy to feel as though you are in a rut when you are trapped in the same place for a long period of time. As college students, it can sometimes be difficult to be stuck within the confines of university life, especially when you constantly face wanderlust like I do. After a while, going out can get old and so can constantly seeing the same places and faces. To make your life a little more exciting, find ways to discover unique hidden gems around your college town and beyond. For example, Providence Canyon and Thomasville, Georgia are both very common day trips for many Florida State students to take on the weekends – these provide getaways from routines.


Courtesy: Pinterest


Her Campus at Florida State University.