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Going Vegetarian is Easier Than You Thought

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Courtesy: Tumblr

There is nothing that I used to love more than chicken tenders and French fries, so converting to eating meat-free was not always the easiest choice but I have never regretted it. Ditching meat might seem hard and nearly impossible for some but it is much easier than you’ve probably ever thought possible. When you’re living on your own and cooking for yourself, going vegetarian is a breeze. The simplest solution to not eating meat: if you don’t buy it, then you don’t have it. It’s that simple!  It can be a bit harder if you still live at home and your parents make all the meals, but it is definitely worth it.

There are many reasons people decide to go vegetarian, the biggest factors being environmental, ethical and health reasons. Studies show that cutting back on meat and animal products significantly reduces your carbon footprint and impact on the planet. There have also been multiple documentaries made that showcase the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses and farms. Boycotting meat sends a sign to these industries that this unethical behavior is unacceptable. Vegetarianism can also encourage you to eat healthier, but this depends on your personal choices. There are plenty of vegetarians who rely on French fries and chocolate every day; not eating meat doesn’t mean not eating junk food.

Personally, when I went vegetarian it was because of all these reasons already listed but I also wanted to improve my way of eating. Cutting meat out of my daily diet encouraged me to truly look at what I was consuming and make better choices. Once meat is out of the question, you’ll have to replace your source of protein with a better option. Eggs are a cheap, easy and delicious way to fit protein into your now burger-free diet. There are also plenty of fake “meat” options available at any grocery store. Veggie burgers, “meat” balls, fake chicken tenders and many more options are available in the freezer section. They aren’t any pricier than purchasing real meat and they taste just as good!

Vegetarian does not equal only salad but do make sure you load up on fruits and vegetables. Just because you’re no longer adding meat to your pizza toppings or sandwiches doesn’t mean that everything you eat should be plain. Instead of a lunchmeat sandwich, enjoy hummus and vegetables or a veggie patty. It can be easy to skip the meat and only eat cheese pizza, French fries and (meatless) spaghetti but going meatless is a step towards personal health. Your nutrition will be better balanced and your body will thank you.

Not only is vegetarianism good for yourself and the planet but it’s good for your wallet too! Most vegetarian options at major restaurants are cheaper or if you’re personalizing a dish, many places are happy to lower the initial prices since they won’t be including the meat. Dining halls are easier than you would think too; ask for the pasta without the meat sauce and load up on meatless side dishes. Bonus tip: Burger King has a veggie burger meal, Taco Bell will let you replace meat in their burritos with beans and Subway has veggie patties.

Courtesy: Burger King

Elizabeth Dorwart is Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus FSU. When she's not reading, writing, or editing articles, she enjoys trying new recipes from Pinterest or playing with her cats. Feel free to ask her any Taylor Swift trivia because she probably knows the answer.
Her Campus at Florida State University.