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Gabriella Giuliano: A Leader Among Women

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Gabriella Giuliano

Hometown: Palm Coast, Florida

Year: Junior

Age: 20

Major: Information, Communication, and Technology

Courtesy: Gabriella Giuliano

Her Campus (HC): Let’s start with the basics. What organizations are you involved with on campus?

Gabriella Giuliano (GG): I am Delta Delta Delta’s (Tri Delta) Philanthropy Chair. I’m so thankful for Tri Delta, as my position in it gave me the opportunity to intern with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, our philanthropy, this past summer! Keeping with the theme of Greek life, I am one of the two Co-Directors of Recruitment Counselors on Panhellenic Recruitment Staff. I also serve on the Vitality Party’s executive board as the Campaign Manager and am a Seminole Torchbearer.

HC: Wow! How do you balance all of these activities?

GG: Growing up, I have always been very involved; my parents encouraged me to try everything and pursue whatever I was passionate about. I still carry that through today. Everything I do, I truly love and am extremely passionate about; that’s why it’s easy to balance everything. When you love something, it doesn’t feel like work, it brings happiness. I would be lying though if I didn’t mention that time management is a huge part of it. Planning ahead, making schedules and lots and lots of sticky notes keep me on track and from getting overwhelmed.

Courtesy: Gabriella Giuliano

HC: What sparked your interest in FSU and how did you initially get involved?

GG: My older brother went to FSU and I’ve always thought he was the coolest person, so I became hooked the first time I visited him here. Florida State was actually the only school I applied to! How I became involved here is actually a funny story. I never wanted to join Greek life; all my views came from movies and they are famous for portraying Greek life negatively. The only reason I went through Panhellenic Recruitment is because my brother made me! He told me to try it out and see what happens, so I did. And the first day of recruitment, I fell in love with not only Panhellenic but also my Recruitment Counselor. She was the first person at this school to truly inspire me and show me the endless opportunities at Florida State. Panhellenic recruitment definitely takes the credit for my thirst of getting involved here. Meeting so many diverse and empowering women proved to me that I can do anything here and the support system is never ending.

My chapter, however, was the gateway to my involvement. Philanthropy is very close to my heart, so that had a great impact on my recruitment experience. Tri Delta stole my heart with their partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Throughout my time in Tri Delta, I was slated as Assistant Philanthropy Chairman and then worked my way up to Philanthropy Chairman. My position allowed me to visit the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee and I was offered an internship to work for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Needless to say, this past summer was a life changing experience.

HC: Tell us about your experience with being a Co-Director of Recruitment Counselors for Panhellenic. How did you get there and what do you love about it?

GG:  My Recruitment Counselor had a massive influence on me and became one of my role models throughout my journey at Florida State. She inspired me to become a Recruitment Counselor and help women who are interested in joining the Panhellenic Community. My time as a RC was hands-down my favorite experience at Florida State, and when I get extremely passionate about something, there’s no stopping me; I couldn’t stop there, I needed to do more. I realized it the fourth day of recruitment when I was talking with another RC after a long day. We began reflecting on our week so far and what we had been faced with. It was then when we agreed that we had never felt so prepared for any other experience in our lives like we did this week. I shared with her that I had never felt so confident in the conversations I was having with women. I would have the most in depth conversations with women I had just met, and had the ability to give them guidance so they could make their own decisions. We were so impressed with ourselves and wanted to know how we got here after our 8 month journey.

I realized then that all of that was possible because of the two Directors of Recruitment Counselors. I noticed that we had grown into not only better women, but we had been given the tools to help our Potential New Members grow as women. The Director of Recruitment Counselors isn’t about hyping Recruitment Counselors for a one-week experience. It is their responsibility to give guidance, support and knowledge to Recruitment Counselors, so they can transfer those messages to thousands of Potential New Members. The Co-Directors are responsible for preparing women for the next step into their lives; they set the precedent for this incredible community and they inspire us to be better women, sisters and leaders. I wanted to be able to do what they did for me for 129 other women. Now I have the privilege of working with Aubrey Robertson as Co-Directors of Recruitment Counselors and the rest of the incredible Recruitment Staff. We actually just announced the new 2016 Recruitment Counselors a few weeks ago! This time in my life is such a blessing; I am surrounded every day by empowering women who continuously strive to improve this community and have really made Florida State my home away from home.

HC: What came first – the Philanthropy chair position or Co-Director of Recruitment Counselors?

GG: I was the Philanthropy chair for Tri Delta when I was a Recruitment Counselor and then I just received my new position 2 months ago as Director.

HC: What’s a typical day like for you?

GG: Each day is definitely a unique and sometimes a little crazy adventure in the best way. I’m a planner, so I always have everything set on a pretty tight schedule. But I love the surprises that come and make my life unpredictable. Dealing with what life throws in my path is what makes life fun and intriguing. On a “normal” day, I like to be out of the house by 8 a.m. and coffee in hand by 8:15. From then on, my day pretty much consists of running from classes to meetings and then more meetings. I always make time to stop by Tri Delta for lunch, dinner, and multiple cups of coffee every day. That’s when I usually make myself cozy on the couch and reply to all of my emails, make phone calls, and plan everything I’m doing. I usually don’t get home until around 11 p.m., because of late meetings and schoolwork. And no day would be complete without calling my parents, whether it’s for advice, to get my mind off of things or just to chat; they always know what to say.

HC: What are your plans for after you graduate?

GG: This question gets me every time! In terms of career, I am not exactly sure what I want to pursue. I know I want to be surrounded with a lot of love because I have the most amazing family and they showed me the power in support and hard work. I know I won’t be working in a cubicle though. I need something unpredictable, upbeat, and working with lots of people. With whatever I end up choosing to do, I need to help others in whatever form that may end up being. With everything going on in this world, we need to continue being kind and helping those who need it. Things happen and life isn’t always fair. There have been so many times that people have come into my life and made a difference, small or big. Doing that for others is what makes me happy! If we all do something nice for someone else, either donating to a cause close to your heart or even just giving someone a compliment, it will become a cycle; it’s contagious.

Courtesy: Gabriella Giuliano

headstrong // heartfelt // happyA current sophomore at Florida State, Jamie finds joy in the idiosyncrasies of daily life. She loves perfectly-made cups of Cuban coffee, silly cat videos, and exploring quirky places in Tallahassee and in her native Tampa. Jamie is double majoring in Family/Child Sciences and Spanish and loves to discuss mental health, relationships, and adventures. Follow her on Instagram @jamiesierraa.xoxo
Her Campus at Florida State University.