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The Best Self-Care Tips for College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Courtesy: entertainmentrealm.com

Envision a world of midterms and math homework; internships, organizations and all-nighters abound. Now imagine the level of difficulty that comes along with finding time to dedicate specifically to oneself in such a chaotic world. Seems impossible, right? Well, not entirely. College can be demanding and at times overwhelming, but it’s essential, not only in one’s success as a student but to one’s overall well-being, that you set aside a little time each day to care for yourself from the inside out. If you’re having trouble finding such a balance, here are a few tips to get you on the right track:

Reward Yourself

It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant or expensive, but you should always give yourself incentives when setting goals or conquering a difficult task. This will not only help to drive you but will also aid in chasing away any lingering feelings of stress or anxiety. For example, after a big exam treat yourself to your favorite shake from that diner on campus, or hang out with friends after a grueling week of classes. It’s essential that we balance out the more strenuous parts of our lives with things that we genuinely enjoy.

Clean Your Space

Now I realize that tidying up is probably very last on the list of things that most people want to do when they’re feeling stressed, but just hear me out here. Taking the time to clean your room can leave you feeling revitalized and refreshed while continuing to inhabit a disorganized space can contribute to the dysfunction in your life (not to mention, pile on to your growing to-do list).

Courtesy: wellandgood.com

Participate In Stress-Relieving Activities

For some people, this might include unwinding with a nice book and a bubble bath; for others, it could be meditating, drinking a glass of wine or taking a long walk with their dog. Whatever suits your particular fancy, just be sure to take a little time out of your day to focus holistically on yourself and become more in tune with your thoughts. Being aware of yourself is one of the greatest skills a student can acquire and will aid tremendously in your ability to function in a high-stress environment.

Eliminate Unnecessary Stressors

This can include anything from unnecessary time commitments to toxic friends. If you find that something is doing more harm than good in your life, there’s only one positive reaction: let it go.

Take It Easy

Yes, college is important in paving the way for a bright future. But there are many other factors that will determine and contribute to your overall success out in the real world. Your major, grades, and professors do not define you. You do. And it’s up to you to care for the person that you’re becoming.

Her Campus at Florida State University.