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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We tell ourselves every year that we won’t wait until the last minute to begin studying for our finals. We promise over and over that if we just do one chapter every day for a couple weeks, we will be set to receive the grade we truly deserve. Like every other resolution though, this is never what happens. We cram everything into the week before (sometimes even the night before), stress ourselves out to the point that our skin breaks out and inevitably, we eat worse than we normally do — if we even have time to eat at all. Finals week is one of the most important weeks for college students, and it’s imperative to not only fill your brain with knowledge, but your tummy with good foods to help fuel that exhausted organ. Below are some easy recipes packed with foods that have been proven to improve your memory, focus and performance.

Courtesy: The Odyssey

1. Oatmeal with Blueberries

Courtesy: Taste of Home

Oats and blueberries are some really well-known foods for helping improve brain function. If you have a morning exam, this meal is the perfect fit for you. N,ot only is it warm to help you get through those chilly mornings, it’s hearty so your tummy won’t be growling while you’re trying to remember how to name that molecule in organic chemistry.

Recipe: Mr. Quaker Oatmeal + Fresh Blueberries

2. Avocado Egg Salad

Courtesy: MyRecipes

This is a meal that I currently eat all the time. Not only does this meal also combine two brain foods (eggs and avocados), but when you use avocado instead of mayo for your egg salad, it creates a much healthier version of the dish. This is a great lunch time option, as it is filled with protein from the eggs and the vitamin called B12; known as the energy vitamin. Hopefully you can power through your insanely long exam with all the energy you obtain from this meal.

Recipe: Boiled Eggs + Avocado + Additional Sandwich Toppings

3. Salmon Foil Wraps

Courtesy: Cooking Classy

This recipe literally takes fifteen minutes to cook, with a prep time of maybe ten minutes. It is the best meal before an evening exam. It’s light, refreshing, and overall uplifting after you have been crying over your study guides. Salmon is one of the main brain foods because it is known for its omega-3 acids, which cause the creation of more neural pathways. In case you skipped out on psych 101: More neural pathways = more genius brain.

Recipe: Salmon + Salt & Pepper + Fresh Asparagus + Two Lemon Slices

A major in Criminology with an interest in everything else
Her Campus at Florida State University.