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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Fordham’s first student-curated exhibition opened. All throughout the semester, students worked on the process of curating a show. I was lucky enough to be apart of the class that put on this highlights show with the help of our fabulous professor, Dr. Udell, the Curator of University Art. Each of us has to research our object, write the label, and help install the object. This class by far was the most fun one I have taken at Fordham. So take a look at some of the photos of the exhibition before and after. The opening of the exhibition was a classy affair with included new iphones that have the museum’s Muse app that also made its premiere that night.

The exhibition space before the objects were installed. The class made a group decision on the color of the cases and then spent a whole class period installing the objects, sometimes just moving the art around to see where each object fit to find the best place for each object.

At the opening, people enjoyed the mediteranean food selection amongst the ancient art. 

The curitorial squad at the opening of the exhibition! 

The exhibition which is located within the Fordham Museum in Walsh Library opened May 6th and will be open until July 14th! 

Also, you can now follow the museum on twitter, @FordhamMuseum! 




I'm a modern girl living in the ancient world. A lover of ancient art and museums!