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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Meet this crazy Fordham celeb/ my best friend/ my roommate.  Every Halloween she goes ALL OUT and stops at nothing. Read on to know more about Caroline and see if YOU can compete with her this year! 


Name: Caroline Rizzo

School: GSB ’18

Hometown: Mineola, NY

Previous Halloween costumes?

Middle school: lady coming out of the shower, Got Milk? ad, and a Holy Cow

High School: Southern State Parkway, Thanksgiving dinner, Meghan from Bridesmaids, and a bride when I wore my mom’s wedding dress

College: Long Island Medium

(Left: This year’s costume, Tina Belcher.  Right: Last Year’s Costume, Long Island Medium)

(Clockwise: Southern State Parkway, Thanksgiving Dinner, Meghan from Bridesmaids, Bride)

Soo, what/who are you being for Halloween this year?!

Tina Belcher

What’s been your best Halloween costume so far?

Definitely when I was Meghan from Bridesmaids junior year or when I was the Long Island Medium last year.

Speaking of Halloween, how would you attempt to scare a person?

I wouldn’t, I’m lazy.  I’d be too busy sleeping.

Every celeb has an embarrassing story – what’s yours?

It was 4th of July this year at my bff Rory’s house and I was the co-host.  My jam of the Summer came on—Colt 45—by Afroman. I was just dancing along and there was some liquid on the floor; I slipped and fell so hard on my back. Everyone stopped and was just silent looking at me. Then, everyone started laughing and said I looked like a turtle.  I fell again on my front and skinned both of my knees.  



Favorite Halloween Movie?

Does Hamlet count? There’s a skull in Hamlet. It’s about a ghost.

Favorite Candy?

Reese’s. (Editor’s note: pronounced reese–eez) 



Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown?

I haven’t seen either of them.  I’m gonna go with Hocus Pocus, cuz Jimmy Squitieri likes Hocus Pocus.


What makes you the perfect Campus Celeb?

Cuz I’m one step closer to being a real celebrity now.  Hello Forbes.


See if you can compete with Caroline this year and enter the Her Campus Fordham Best Halloween Costume Contest. Use the hashtag #HCFUHalloween on Instagram, so we can see your post!  May the odds be ever in your favor.

Maeve is a sophomore at Fordham University. She is a Communications major with a love of graphic design. At Fordham she is involved with Relay For Life, Fashion for Philanthropy, and of course Her Campus. She is from Massachusetts and loves everything about Boston Sports (including Tom Brady--sorry New Yorkers). Being from Cape Cod, she loves the beach, the sun, and seafood. She is excited to be writing for Her Campus!