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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

I had the opportunity to interview one of our new Her Campus Falmouth writers: Saoirse Lennon. I learned that she’s a really cool gal who likes writing (obviously) and has some great advice for freshers. Keep on reading to find out her relationship status, the differences between her home and Falmouth, and her favourite colour! 

Age: 19.

Zodiac sign: Aries.

Gender pronouns: She/her.

Relationship status: In a relationship.

HC: What year are you in and what course are you on?

SL: I’m in my second year and I’m on the English with Creative Writing course.

HC: What’s your favourite part about your course?  

SL: The option modules you get to choose from are so diverse; I’ve loved this semester and the one prior to it because I’ve been able to choose a module that I’m interested in. When I came to university, I was writing poetry and nothing else, and since then I have written lyrics, started the foundations of a short story, and I’m now working on my screenwriting module. It just opens so many doors.

HC: Where are you from and how is it different from Falmouth?

SL: I’m from Aylesbury and it’s one hour away from the north of London, but it’s close enough for nice day trips. If I’m entirely honest, Falmouth is a lot less chavvy and is so pretty. I also think that the atmosphere is quite special here. 

HC: What made you decide you wanted to write for Her Campus Falmouth? 

SL: Writing for Her Campus offers you a chance to take a topic you care about or that you’re interested in, and write a bit about it. To me, it’s a hell of a lot better than being told what to write, and how to write it. I suppose it’s a matter of the freedom it gives you in the content you create.

HC: What’s your favourite colour?

SL: I aways give this question a different answer, but at the moment I would go with blue. 

HC: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? 

SL: I’m gonna go with some kind of sea creature— I’ll go with krill. I don’t ever like to be the centre of attention so something that goes relatively unnoticed works well for me.

HC: Now that you’ve been at uni for about a year and a half, what have you learned and what advice can you can give to freshers?

SL: I’ve learnt it’s important to come out of your shell sometimes. If I had it my way, I wouldn’t talk to new people at all, just because I get nervous. It’s so important to branch out and put a brave face on if need be— especially on arts courses where networking will almost definitely be a vital part of your career.

HC: What’s something that you look forward to? 

SL: I’m just looking forward to being at a job that I enjoy, where I’m writing content I’m really proud of. I think that’s when you’re a successful writer, when you aren’t tired of your own words anymore.

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, Saoirse. Make sure to check back regularly for features written by her! 


Hi there! My name is Genesis and I'm the CC for Her Campus Falmouth! I also currently study English with Creative Writing at Falmouth Universty! I'm originally from New York City but I'm abroad for university. Some of the things I love include the colour pink, furry and fat animals, watching films, going for walks, taking pictures of animals, reading sci-fi, and writing!