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How to get fitness motivated?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

Have you always wanted to get more into working out? Achieve that dream body or possibly you just want to feel a bit healthier? Either way, no matter how great the benefits, we all know it is hard to get started. So here’s some tips and tricks of the trade to help encourage you and make in more bearable.

Firstly, let’s establish the basics; why exercise? Well, the health benefits are obviously massive. Not just physically, but mentally as well. Exercising literally makes you happy. Your body and your mind are much more closely linked than you’d think. Treating your body well and putting it through its paces releases hormones which will affect how you think and feel! A lot of people say that when they start exercising they become obsessed with it, and you can see why when it makes you feel so good. Regular exercise also increases productivity and just makes you feel guilt free. Setting a schedule that involves physical activity will benefit your life hugely.

So how do you start? Well first of all, find out what you like. Everyone’s bodies are different and good at different things. Don’t pressure yourself into being a marathon runner if it’s not what you’re into. Try out heaps of new things and find something you find gratifying. Go to as many taster sessions as possible at your local gym or club and just give it all a go. You will find something you enjoy, from spinning classes to yoga, there really is something for anyone! If you can attend a regular class you don’t have to worry about finding time in your schedule or motivating yourself, because it’ll be there for you each week already.  

Find yourself an exercise buddy. People who want to get fit as well are not rare, so find anyone whether it be a close friend or someone you just met at the gym. You’ll motivate each other, and will be amazed at how far you’ll come together. Exercise is so much easier when someone else is sharing that sweat with you.

Set goals, but be realistic to start with. Simply say to yourself, this week I am going do an hour in the gym. Or try adding an extra 10 minutes to your workout this week. Start small and build up slowly, don’t push yourself too hard to start with, you’ll get there.

Reward yourself. Have a cheat day where you can eat whenever you want. Or go out for a meal with your workout buddy after a particularly tough session. Take lots of rests, don’t overdo it every single day. Your body will suffer more if you work it too hard and your muscles need a break. Take it slowly and do what feels good, not uncomfortable. Don’t get too stressed out counting calories obsessively – chocolate is way too good to deprive yourself of. The whole point of getting fit is treating your body well because learning to love it is super important and being strong is a very . This should make you feel good about yourself. Don’t give yourself a hard time for skipping a workout, understand how your body works and then work it!