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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

As deadlines and final projects draw near, stress and panic are pretty much on the daily menu. The thing is, no matter how much stuff you need to get the stuff done, you still have to look after yourself. Spending 14 hours in the library with coffee and energy drinks can begin to take a toll on your mental and physical health. 

So to keep your body working and your mind razor sharp try some of these tips: 

1. Sleep

It’s kind of obvious, isn’t it? But when you combine studies, social time and me-time, the simple need for sleep disappear into distant memory. The classic 8-hours-a-day might not work but do try at least six hours of sleep (preferably during the night).

Also, if you want to sleep better, avoid technology half an hour before going to bed. This means phones, the TV, and laptops have to be completely turned off since the light from the screen makes your brain more alert. If you can’t turn them off then it is best to keep the technology as far from your bed as you can. 

2. Get Out

Living on campus—although it is big—can get a bit stuffy. Going for a walk once or twice a week can help clear your head. Plus you can get active, stretch your muscles, or burn a calorie or a hundred. I’m not saing to do a serious four-hour long expedition into the Cornwall countryside (unless you want, of course), 15 minutes is just enough. Roam the streets, visit the reservoir or the beach, even shopping counts! Just make sure to turn off your Messenger updates off and pay attention to what’s happening around you.

3. Wonders of Me-Time

We all have special things that make us happy: a TV show, a movie, playing the piano, singing, doing pilates, trying out new hairdos, or having a cup of tea while reading a book. In the busy student environment, we sometimes forget the things that make us us and the things that we enjoy. Pick a time during the week to do what makes you happy, not what you feel like you need to do; do something that makes you remember who you are and where your motivation comes from.

4. Organise Your Space

Sounds like your mum scolding you about the mess in your bedroom, doesn’t it? Honestly, a bit of tidying and organisation can help a lot; things like having a diary with planned appointments and sorting out the pile of papers on your desk (we all know how many lost things can be found in the discard piles) can help you focus. 

Your room doesn’t have to be squeaky clean, but having at least some kind of order in your room helps to organise the thoughts in your mind. Working in a chaotic environment results in chaotic work and can lead to frustration every time you’re looking for something and can’t find it because it is lost in the mountains of old stuff.


5. Social Time

As fun as it sounds to be holed up in your room for the whole week (or month, or year), not speaking to anyone can do more harm than good. Whether we like it or not, humans have to socialise. The levels of socialisation differs for each person: maybe once a week is enough for one person and maybe twelve times a day is better for another. Do yourself a favour and meet up with someone: flatmates, coursemates, poeple in societies, your friend in America, or your family. They can offer support, empathy, advice and isn’t that just what we need in hard times?

These are just a few tips that can make a huge difference. Seems hard? Impossible? To be honest, it is at the beginning; once you settle into a de-stress routine it’ll work its wonders and you won’t want to stop.

Fandom-obsessed, writing-possessed book lover from the Czech Republic.