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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Falmouth chapter.

SInce February is National Hot Breakfast Month, I thought this would be a great opportunity to mention and discover the best kinds of hot breakfast that could be dished up by us starving students of a morning. Here you will find 5 of the best hot breakfast ideas which will get your stomach rumbling.


1. American style breakfast pancakes.

Thick, spongy American pancakes drizzled with warm maple syrup and crispy bacon is a breakfast combo that can’t be beat! 

2. Angel food French toast.

Get some angel food cake mix, dipped it in egg batter, fry it in butter, and top it with whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, and maple syrup! Serve this up with a glass of orange juice to balance out the sweetness. 

3. Sweet potato and broccoli frittata.

This savoury yet sweet breakfast frittata is filled with sweet potato, broccoli, kale and pumpkin seeds! It’s definitely one you have to try. 

4. French toast finger sandwiches.

Fill toast with jam, dip each sandwich into egg mixture to coat, fry the strips, and cover with maple syrup and icing sugar. So yummy!



5. Crispy bacon waffles with blueberries.

Hot toasted waffles topped with crispy bacon and blueberries and drizzled with maple syrup makes this breakfast super delish. 

I'm Laonni! I am 18 years old, I'm from Cornwall, have lived here all my life and absolutely love it! I am currently studying Creative Events Management at Falmouth University. I love tea and all things interiors!