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How To Make the Most of Your Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

For most freshmen in college, the first year is tough. You are experiencing the joys of communal bathrooms, living away from home, being forced to make completely new friends. Here are a few ways to ensure your freshman year of college is amazing. 

Don’t worry about your major too much!

Most colleges do not require you to declare your major until the end of your sophomore year, which is a blessing in my eyes. Take classes in what you like and eventually you will find your niche. Meet with your advisor to talk about possible major choices as well.

Join clubs. This allows you to find what you love to do while also make friends with similar interests. Fairfield offers tons of options including singing groups, Model UN, Her Campus (!!!), volunteer groups, club sports, and more. Try something totally new to you – you may end up falling in love something new.

Actually go to class and be engaged. Just because your professor allows you to take you a few skip days does not mean that you should. It can be so tempting to avoid the trek through the snow to Donnarumma, but you will ultimately perform better in classes and score brownie points with your professor if you attend and participate in class. 

Get a planner. If you haven’t done so already, pick up a planner and write down everything that you need to do in it. Keep track of meetings, due dates, and homework assignments with ease because freshmen year definitely gets busy. 

Study! So many college students kick themselves, myself included, for not studying hard during their first year. Now is the time to build up your precious GPA, so make sure you find a quiet, go-to study space where you can go when you really need to get things done. 

Stay on campus as much as possible. The urge to go home on weekends is all too real during your freshmen year of college. Hang out with your new friends and soon enough your campus will begin to feel like home.

Remember that it gets better. If you are struggling to become adjusted to your new school remember that it gets better. And this goes both ways – even if you love your school during your freshman year, you will love it even more as you enter your years as an upper classmen. 

Aileen is a senior communication major and marketing minor who resides in Westchester, NY. She is a Executive Features Editor at Her Campus Fairfield and loves online shopping, snuggling with her dog, and working out. the Follow her on Instagram @aklindy!
Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant