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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Most people out there have had one, or know someone who’s had one, or fantasize about having one, but what actually is a fling? It’s basically a short-term casual relationship that comes with the benefits of a boyfriend/girlfriend (the fun dates, friendship and sex) but without the difficulties of commitment.

They’re not for everyone, but they come with serious perks. At HerCampus we think they’re definitely worth a try. Here’s why…

1. They can be lots of fun

This one’s simple. Dating a good-looking guy is never going to be a chore, especially if they’re also lovely and fun to be around. You can try new things with them and fill your time with exciting, carefree dates – think ice-skating, crazy golf, countryside walks, drinks, film nights…Don’t let the worry of future sadness when it’s over stop you from having fun in the present. Future you will be happy to look back and remember the good times!


2. There’s no pressure or stress

The beauty of a fling is that there is no pressure for things to get serious. It is simply dating. It is fun. You don’t have to worry about heavy relationship issues – like what you’ll name your first born, or if his great-aunt Edith will behave at your wedding… This can be really refreshing; getting to know someone without the pressure of commitment can ensure that the experience is kept light-hearted and stress-free.

3. It might teach you something about yourself

As well as being fun, flings can actually be incredibly eye-opening, and you might learn things about yourself, your taste in men, or what you want from a relationship in the process. A summer fling once taught me that ‘butterflies’ do exist, and that you should never settle for anything less! There’s always something new to be learnt when meeting and dating new people. Perhaps you’ll discover a new favourite cocktail, or a love of action films, or a passion for extreme sports… Even if the experience is just great practice for future first dates, you can put it down as a life lesson.

4. It could help you get over an ex

Because flings are fun and carefree, they’re a great way to get over an ex. You know the saying ‘the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else?’ So. Freaking. True. Flings can be a great distraction from the drama ex-boyfriends come with, and will make you realise that there are so many other great guys out there. Sometimes, no strings attached sex can be a wonderful cure for guy-related drama.

5. You never know what the future will hold

Though flings are short-term and casual, you never know what the future might hold. You might go on that first-date expecting a fling, yet both fall madly in love with each other (think of Sandy and Danny in Grease!) Having said that, we advise you to be careful when it comes to expectations and feelings – flings work best when you keep things simple and just enjoy the (limited) time you have together!  

Short-term relationships can be super-fun, but they aren’t for everyone. It may take you time to get over your holiday romance after having such an amazing time together. But we still believe that it’s totally worth it!