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The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Looking Fabulous!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Have you ever wondered how some girls manage to look amazing in their 8:30 lectures? You imagine that whilst you hit the snooze button for the seventh time, she’s probably finishing straightening her hair, and by the time you finally decide to make the effort to go (come on, who ever actually watches their lectures online right?), she’s probably out the door and ready to go.

Well ladies, say so long to the days of feeling like the crazy cat lady at the back of the lecture hall! Here at Her Campus, we’ve come up with the ultimate guide for all of you lazy girls out there who want to find your inner Beyonce, and still keep the snooze button in your life.


1. Prioritise your wardrobe



A familiar sight for lazy girls everywhere is a cluttered wardrobe. It’s a constant risk between accidentally wearing that top you forgot smelled like Jager, or an accidental trip to Narnia searching for that cute cardigan that you swear is somewhere at the back.

But by taking some time out of your Netflix schedule to prioritise your wardrobe, it will not only help minimise your getting ready time, it’ll also keep you calm, helping you to look confident and put together at any time of day.


2. Make layers your best friends



Nothing says chic and effortlessly stylish like a cute layer combination. Think Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s singing moon river on the fire escape (maybe without the towel in your hair, you might get some weird looks). The best thing about this look is that it takes absolutely no time or effort to put together. Grab your favourite pair of jeans, a cosy jumper and pair them with a big scarf, it’ll make you look fabulous in no time at all! Sticking to neutral colours will allow you to co-ordinate more easily and adding dainty accessories will help add a touch of glamour to a simple yet fabulous look.


3. Play up your favourite feature



The truth is, unless you’re a beauty vlogger, make up can be a lot of effort and a constant challenge for the lazy girl. Whilst it might seem that the best quick fix for puffy eyes and tired skin is to pile on the foundation and hope for the best, wearing more make-up will actually make you look more tired and run down. Focus on one feature of your face that you love – if you have gorgeous eyes, leave your lips neutral with just a touch of gloss, or if your cheekbones are to kill for, maybe play it down on the eyeliner and mascara. By prioritising your favourite areas of your face you’ll feel more confident and be able to focus on more important things, like not being an hour and a half late to that group study meeting.


4. Invest in cute lounge clothes



Being fabulous is about feeling great all of the time. It’s easy for the lazy girl to chill out in the same t-shirt until one of your housemates forces you to wash it. If you spend most of your time napping or generally not wanting to get dressed, invest in some good pyjamas and lounge clothes. Cute loungewear will make you feel great, and will make you feel even better if you accidentally run into your crush on that midnight snack run to the co-op. The best part is, pyjamas and lounge clothes are usually incredibly cheap, so you can be lazy and look great, all on a budget.


5. Fake it until you make it



The truth is, that girl who looks amazing in your morning lecture probably feels just as tired and just as lazy as the rest of us out there. It may sound like a cliche, but being confident and not caring what other people think is the best way to look fabulous. If you got dressed in the dark and realise you’re wearing odd flats, make it a fashion statement. If you’re not sure your top matches anything else you’re wearing, act like it doesn’t bother you and it won’t bother anybody else.

This guide will only take you so far in your road to being fabulous, remember that confidence and loving yourself is the best way to look, feel and become the fabulous queen you are inside!