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Friends With Benefits: For Beginners

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.


Sometimes it’s okay not to want a serious relationship; they take effort, time and money that not everyone has. Cue the entrance of the perfect solution; the friend with benefits. Whether you’ve just got out of a relationship or are just testing the waters, having a FWB cleanses your palette, a bit like a sexual sorbet! If done correctly, this wonderful scenario can last you days and nights of pleasure and fun. But here are some tips for you along the way…


Tip #1: Make sure you are on the same page about where this ‘friendship’ is going.

The fatal error that most girls make is thinking their FWB is actually their Prince Charming in disguise. Movies like ‘No Strings Attached’ and ‘Friends with Benefits’ are not helping this problem. Remember girls, you aren’t Mila Kunis and JT isn’t going to sweep you off your feet. Very rarely does anything romantic come from casual sex, so if you are on the market for a boyfriend, it’s unlikely your FWB is the man for the job.


Tip #2: Remember the benefits!

Whether he’s delicious to look at or has you giggling into your pillow, there should be a reason this guy keeps finding himself back in your bed. Having skills in the bedroom is important but it normally helps to have another benefit to the friendship.


Tip #3: Keep it casual!

This tip is crucial if the boy runs in the same social circles as you. No one wants to have to deal with an awkward night out. Fight past the awkwardness and make a joke out of it.

The amazing thing about friends with benefits is that it’s easy and simple. If you find yourself stressing out when he gets off with another girl in Timepiece, the lines have been blurred and you need to rethink about what you really want.



Tip #4: Know when to walk away.

Most of us have been on one end of a break up. A FWB break up is less messy but still embarrassing. If you can feel yourself developing emotional romantic attachments, walk away and save yourself the heartbreak. On the flipside, if you can see him starting to like you, let him down gently and remember what you signed up for. In a perfect world, you would both fall magically in love with one another and dance your sorrows away in a flash mob but as we all know, life is not as easy as Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher make it seem.


And just remember… it’s all about having fun!