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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Autumn has arrived! This means the oversized jumpers, bobble hats and boots can be dug out of the wardrobe ready for Halloween, Bonfire Night, and eventually Christmas! It also signals that it’s time to return to university, meaning socials, friends and independence. But, with this brings so many changes and pressure which can be stressful and daunting.

Here are some suggestions on how to look after your general wellbeing now that you’re back at university:

  1. Try relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, or even walking longer distances than usual.  
  2. Rather than Netflix or studying right up until bedtime, invest in some fiction or listening to an audio book before you go to sleep.
  3. Swap your caffeinated drinks for decaffeinated, especially if this is part of your evening routine.
  4. Take multivitamins or vitamin supplements to help keep off the dreaded fresher’s flew.
  5. Invest in yourself. It’s okay to treat yourself, whether that be through a new jacket or an afternoon spent doing something you love.  
  6. Aim for those essential 8 hours of sleep, or at least dedicate some time to catch up on sleep before you start to suffer.
  7. Get on top of your workload from the start of term. This will help make life easier as you get closer to deadlines and exam season.  
  8. Listen to Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen’ if you feel stressed. It could help.
  9. Take advantage of the wellbeing services on campus if you ever feel that you are struggling with any mental health issues such as stress and anxiety – they’re there to help.